Chapter 1 - Truth comes out

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I woke up early today and hopped in the shower. Knowing I didn't have a whole lot of time i had to move quick.

I frantically tore threw my closet picking my clothes that I'd take with me and tossed another black shirt into my oversized duffel bag, followed by a black dress and 3 pairs of jeans not forgetting my panties and socks.

I was excited to move but heartbroken to leave everything behind. My friends, family and my small little town. I have to but there's nothing left here for me. In all my twenty one years here There hasn't been much excitement.

"How much packing do you have left do you Dennie?" My mom spoke entering my room.

"Everything. I just started"

"Well you better get your ass in gear, we're leaving in the morning. Did you tell your grandmother about it yet?"

I glanced at mom, the look plain as day on my face.

"After I pack."

Iv been dreading telling my nan since iv found out. She's sick and I don't want to leave her but works work. Even if I do have to cross the country to get it.

"You better tell her soon." My mom said as she walked out the door.

I tore threw more clothes into my duffel bag, a red shit, two more black dresses, some gym clothes and sneakers. I rummaged threw more of my clothes to put in there.

Two hours and a stuffed duffel bag later I had my clothes packed.

" Alright mom I'm going too see nan and break it too her"

I grabbed my keys and went out in my car, my 09 Benz. I loved that little car. Another thing I'm gonna have to leave behind. I hoped my younger sister would take good care of it.

I started the engine and ripped the car out of the driveway. This would be one of the last times I drove this car.

How am I gonna break it too her, this is gonna be one of the hardest things iv had to do. Tell my sick grandmother I'm leaving the province.

I parked my car in her drive way and opened the door stepping out onto the gravel I took a look around. I could smell the salt in the air and feel the light ocean breeze on my skin.

I approached the door and opened it the smell of her house hit me. Juicy turkey, and steamed veggies. I kicked off my Nike shoes and walked up the wooden steps to where she was standing, slaving over the stove.

"Hi, nan." I spoke careful not to startle her.

She turned around "oh, hi dear. How are you?"

"I'm actually pretty good." I could feel the guilt rising inside of me. I'm leaving in less then 24 hours.

"I actually came here to tell you something." I said hesitantly.

"What's that?" She said stirring the gravy pot.

"Iv accepted a job!"

"That's great news honey, where too?" She turned around.

I hesitated again before I spoke  "The other side of the county.BC."

I looked at her for a reaction and I got one I wasn't expecting."That's great!" The little red-brown haired cubby old lady hugged me tight. "I'm so proud of you. I knew you'd do it"

"It doesn't bother you that I'm moving away?"

Grandma sat down in the wooden chair behind her. "It does dear, but I want you to do what's best yourself. Go make your bank account fat." I laughed at granny's expression.

"I will, then I'll fly you out to see me."

"When do you leave?"

"Umm...tomorrow." I just got the call yesterday.

I could feel my eyes start burning and the tears started spilling over. Granny wrapped her loving arms around.

"It's okay dear, you'll be alright." She whispers in my ear.

"I know..." I sobbed "it's just hard to leave."

In all of my twenty one years of living this is the first time being away from home.

"Now stop the foolishness" she said wiping away my tears. "Do you have all your packing done yet?"

"Just about"

I wiped my slick face with my sleeve and gave her a tight hug.

"Thanks nan."

"Keep in touch Nadiene, I love you."

"Love you too granny."

I went downstairs to say my goodbyes to my grandfather. I left then Becuase I couldn't hold back the tears.

I spent most of the day with my friends enjoying what time I had left with them. Who knows when I'd be home again.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked it. 9:10pm.

Where are you too?
We're leaving early tomorrow morning.
Get your ass home now!

3 missed text from my mother.



"Jesus I just seen your text mom, give me a break. I'll be home shortly" I snapped and pushed end.

I wished my friends all the best and told them I'd stay in contact.

I got in my car and drove home. I guess should put my bags in the car, one less thing to do in the morning.

I swung my car door open and trotted into my house. The last time for awhile I'd get to walk threw these doors. I was treated by the face of my angry mother.

"You still have so much left to do, why are you only just now coming home?"

I rolled my eyes and didn't say anything. I love her and all but she can be something else sometimes. I walked past her and to my room to get my bags.

"Just gonna toss these in the car."

"Very good."


Hey, I'm driving to the airport tomorrow if you'd rather get a ride in with me. - Nathan

I sigh in relief. I'd rather go to the airport with him then my mom. Nathan is one of my best friends and has been since we've been 13.

Yes please, if you don't mind.


She appeared in the door were her pjs. She wasn't a small woman by any means.


"I'm gonna catch a ride to the airport with the bys, you don't mind do you?"

"No. I'll still see ya when you get in."

"Alright, thanks."

I carried my bags out to the car in two trips then headed back in the house. I opened the door and my black cat scurried past me.

Another thing to leave behind.

I crawled in bed shortly after, falling asleep wondering where my new life would bring me.


Hey guys hope you enjoyed the chapter. Stay tuned for more

I know it's not very exciting yet but bare with me.

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