Chapter 2

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Jaycob couldn't get any real sleep. Images of his teammates getting blown out of the sky were being repeated over and over. In the middle of the night, he decided to go to his "spot". He stood up from his bunk and tip-toed to door, trying to not wake up Poe. The barracks were quiet and there was a slight breeze coming from outside through the wide opening, accustomed to each building. Security soldiers were scattered around, scanning the distance for any sign of threat. There was no curfew, so when the soldiers saw him, they saluted and went back to their business.

Jaycob's "spot" was in between the forest treeline and the back of the barracks. Jaycob went there anytime he was feeling stressed out or anxious about an upcoming mission. The sound of crickets and the native wildlife relaxed him in some way. Originally, Jessika had suggested the idea of a "spot" to release all the weight from his shoulders.

However, he was surprised to see another person sitting there...Tallie, reading something on a datapad. It was as if everywhere he went, he saw her. Even in his dreams that night he saw her, flying in an A-Wing with a blue and white color scheme. Which was peculiar because the A-Wings of the fleet were normally red and white. Except his. Jaycob's A-Wing interceptor had been painted blue and white corresponding to the fact that he was Blue Leader. Suddenly, it dawned on him. His dream had her flying in his A-Wing. Losing his train of thought, he decided to just talk to her.

"Weird seeing you here."

Jaycob made his presence known.

"Oh, hey commander, what're you doing up so late?"

Tallie replied. Jaycob took a seat next to her, both of their backs against the barracks' wall.

"I couldn't sleep."

"Sorry to hear that."

"How about you?"


"Whatcha reading?"

"The news."

The awkward small talk could go on and on, but Jaycob didn't want that. What he really wanted was to get to know her better, possibly make her a friend. A Friend. Maybe it's the insomnia, but he sure as hell didn't want that either. He decided to continue.

"You know, you could talk to me if you wanted. Looking past the ranks and all that."

Tallie stopped reading and let out a small smile.

"That's good to know. Thanks."

She kept the conversation short. Taking this as a sign that she didn't want to be bothered, Jaycob stood back up and prepared to walk back to his quarters. But as he turned the other way Tallie asked,

"Where ya goin'?"

This took Jaycob by surprise, a pleasent one. He turned back around and said,

"I don't know. It seemed like I was intruding you."

"Nonsense. I actually enjoy your company. Here, come back."

She patted the spot where Jaycob was originally sitting. He gleefully took the invitation and sat right back down. She turned off her datapad and looked into his eyes,

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