Power Without Bonds

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  Since the day Airborne received the book of Dragons and the book of Changelings, he's been wholeheartedly reading it. It was weeks later. The season was currently Autumn in the month of October. Airborne was reading the Book of Unity. In his Dragon's Language class on a Monday, he was interested so deeply. The classroom had around 26 kids, including himself. There were desks, all facing the front of the classroom with the board. There were letters of the dragon alphabet hanging on the walls and nice decorations for a 7th-grade classroom. Airborne may be 11, but he skipped a grade for his intelligence. He was supposed to be in 5th, but he skipped the 4th grade to 6th at the age of 9. Now he was 11 years old in his current grade. Mrs. Greenwald was explaining a lesson, but he could not pay attention, for it was completely engrossed in the book. He read, "'Airborne, my mirror-like descendant'... What in the world?! It knew my name??? 'I can not digress the very joy that I conceive. Shall you be the apprentice of my journals?' Yes. I will be. 'And with your agreement, you shall-' Okay, this book is creepy. 'And with your agreement, you shall become my servant. There are more people like you. You've already perceived them, have you not? Your family, your new friends, they all think of strong enlightenment. Notice the different species? Ponies, dragons, and changelings that helped you with doubt? Name them out loud.' Okay. Umm... Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Spike, Pharynx, umm... Garble, and someone else... I can't bring up their name. I think that's it, though. 'You forgot the two people who were always there for you. Your parents.' Oh... yeah, that's right. 'And so now, study the lessons I will teach you and spread it throughout the world. Not everyone recognizes the value of diversity. Not everyone also knows the full history of dragons. They think it's lost.'"

Mrs. Greenwald spoke as she heard Airborne speaking while she was. "Hybrid, how many times do I have to tell you to put that book away?"

Airborne didn't listen but kept reading. "And no one understands what their heritage is."

Mrs. Greenwald shouted, "Defect, I'm talking to you!"

Airborne looked up finally saying, "Oh... umm... Is it lunch already?"

The class laughed a bit. No one minded that Airborne was called a "defect." Everyone was more amused by Airborne's reaction. The teacher continued on, "Why not put that away or you're expelled?"

Airborne gave a snarky remark and puts it off to the side. He then focused on the lesson.

Mrs. Greenwald crossed her arms and reflected an annoyed tone. "Yes, hybrid?"

Airborne spoke confidently, "My name is Airborne, the Changeling-Dragon. Thank you for acknowledging I'm different, but I must as you, dragon lady-" Everyone laughed at what Airborne said. "I want to know. This dragon language... do they have words of power?"

Mrs. Greenwald was confused. She then looked at the book Airborne was reading and held out her hand. "Give it to me. You are supposed to be paying attention."

Airborne said, "No. I've been reading this long book for a while and not even you can understand its meaning."

The entire class laughed once more. Mrs. Greenwald walked up to Airborne. "Give it to me," she demanded. "I am not playing any games today. You've fallen behind in class and now you want to ask some ridiculous question about 'words of power'?"

Airborne then looked at her dead in the eyes and said, "No. Never will you touch this book." The teacher snatched it anyway but her hand was instantaneously shocked once it made contact. Electricity rose from the book striking her hands away from it.

"Aagghhh oww!!! What did you do to the book?!" she exclaimed loudly as if she were shouting at the top of her lungs. The class was shocked by what the book did.

Airborne nervously spoke, "I-I-I don't know. It's never done that before... I'm sorry, Mrs. Greenwald, I'll put it away." He quickly seized the book stashing it away for safekeeping. The teacher just looked at him in shock.

"That... was magic. There's no way you could have done that," she explained. "And that kind of magic was... was... Do you know where you got that thing from?"

Airborne nodded no nervously. He did not want to get suspended nor expelled. He just put his head down waiting for her to move on back to the class and the lesson.

Eventually, she did. She couldn't help but speak this sentence as it was cruel, cunning, and grievous. "I've never seen a freak so determined to be so stupid until now." She walked away after saying that, going back to the front board. The changeling-dragon smiled as he looked at the teacher.

"Thank you," he spoke. This next exclamation is what makes the changeling-dragon brilliant. "It's what you don't understand. About me. You see, I have not fallen behind. I'm just bored, but I've done all my homework and have participated a lot less in class but only on tests. You think a controlled system is supposed to be the best thing, but everyone knows what they need to progress further. If you want me to be put in your position, I'll show you words that haven't been spoken since the old days."

Mrs. Greenwald grew impatient saying, "That's enough, Airborne! Stop talking."

Airborne continued on, "And you will understand where we came from and our history! It seems that none of you understand who we really are as dragons either and what we are capable of! We empowered a dragon to become our Lord, and we still have that power, and I have it most!"

The teacher was enraged as she said, "If you do not stop, I will-"

The hybrid interrupted, "Do you even know of the past at all? I asked you what the words of power were, and you did not know at all! You didn't know lightning dragons were born, fire dragons were born, any kind of dragon. There are many different kinds!"

The teacher groaned angrily. "Get out." She then shouted, "Now, before I address security. Threatening my education is not-"

"And you don't understand the true power of the dragons," Airborne shouted.

Mrs. Greenwalk walked to Airborne shouting, "I'm done with you. You're suspended and are a failure!! Get out right now!!"

"Dakurai Nadishte Eloctu Feeme!!" Airborne shouted interrupting her. The energy released in an omnidirectional wave spreading throughout the entire classroom. The very room inside lost its sense of gravity. Airborne did not move, however. The desks began to float; the students were lifted in mid-air, and the Teacher watched all of this in awe. Everything in the room floated in the air as if gravity did not exist any further. Mrs. Greenwald could not understand nor fathom the power Airborne had. The changeling-dragon called out, "Dragons had 2 ancient languages. One of magic and one of communication! You don't know this, do you?! Why should I be in here with someone who can not enlighten me!!" Pretty soon, Airborne spoke another word, one that would reset things. "Desai!" Everything instantly dropped to the floor. This hurt many students physically, and Airborne was hurt emotionally. He then realized what he did was wrong at that very moment. He looked at the book he was reading and opened it up to page 47. "'Do not forget. In all you do, with power, form bonds. Not... fear...' I... It's just..." Airborne ran out of the room. He then ran away from the building heading towards the bathrooms. He recalls that as a place of peace, but someone halted him on his way. It was a unicorn. She was white, had light purple and white hair, and she was taller than Airborne by with an adult mare's size.

The unicorn spoke thoughtfully, "Hey, are you alright? Where are you going in such a hurry."

Airborne responded while in tears, "I did something so awful. I used anti-gravity dragon magic. I'm so stupid." He facepalmed as he said, "Stupid stupid stupid!!"

The unicorn then pats Airborne's back. "I'm Sweetie Belle. I already recognize who you are; you're Airborne, right?"

Airborne spoke, "Yeah. How did you know that?"

Sweetie Belle answered, "Because I recall a changeling-dragon being bullied by many kids at school. However..." She giggled a bit. "I understand why you'd want to hurt someone at this school. I've seen you be bullied plenty of times. On the contrary, you aren't so bad though; you actually care about others and don't want to hurt anyone."

Airborne sighed and spoke, "I don't know... I was just being dumb this time. I hurt everyone in my classroom."

Sweetie Belle then pulled Airborne gently, "Come on. Let's talk about this with our friends. I was coming from the office, but lunchtime should start right abooouuuut..." the bell rang. "Now."

Students walked out of their classrooms into the open space. Airborne's previous class walked around school giving looks at the changeling-dragon, which made him feel awful. The looks were very nervous, filled with fear. The changeling-dragon looked at his class and they all scattered. Other kids just watched the class confused and now nervous. Airborne looked down sadly. Sweetie Belle gently pulled Airborne once more leading him to her friends. "You need relaxing. I know you've had it rough here. Do you want to relax with my friends and me?" Airborne looked up at him and was so happy to hear her say that.

"I've... never had anyone tell me that before," Airborne said. "Thank you. I would... be happy too."

The 2 went over to a lunch table. Airborne wiped his tears. Seeing the 2 other ponies, he sat at the table and was happier than he'd been all day. An orange pegasus with greyish purple hair spoke, "Wow. You're Airborne! Umm... We just want to say you are amazing."

Airborne spoke, "Really? I am?!"

A light yellow earth pony with red hair spoke, "Yeah! You're a hybrid. I mean, you may never know how unique that is until you've been one. It's like, alicorn unique, I must say."

Airborne smiled. "Thank you," he could only say. "What are your names?"

The earth pony said, "I'm Apple Bloom."

The pegasus said, "I'm Scootaloo."

Sweetie Belle sat next to Airborne and asked, "Let's take your mind off of the situation, Airborne. What can you do as a changeling?"

Airborne answered, "I... can't do anything but just fly fast."

Scootaloo asked, "As fast as Rainbow Dash?"

Airborne confidently said, "Maybe even faster!" He laughed a bit. So did Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom pulled out her backpack and held up an apple pie. "Do you want some, Airborne? My friends and I planned on eating this for lunch today."

Airborne nodded yes. Sweetie Belle pulled out paper plates to set on the table. The hybrid was given a slice. He looked down on the pie and had to ask, "What... is apple pie?"

The 3 ponies gasped.

Apple bloom responded with surprise, "You don't know what apple pie is?"

The hybrid nodded no. He felt disappointed in himself as if he was stupid... But then Scootaloo tapped Airborne's shoulder saying, "That's okay. This'll be a symbol of our friendship group. We should call it... hmmm..."

Apple Bloom finished Scootaloo's sentence with a "Pie friendship day!"

Everyone laughed a bit. Airborne ate the pie and loved it. His wings shimmered brightly as he ate more. The changeling-dragon looked at Sweetie Belle in joy as he ate the pie. He looked at the others thinking to himself, "This is nice. Friendship. That's what I've always wanted from this school."

Sweetie Belle then touched Airborne's hand, "Are you feeling better?" The hybrid nodded yes. "That's great. I'm glad I could make you feel better. If you need friends, we are here for you, Airborne."

Airborne looked at Sweetie Belle with a shy smile. He then asked, "Uhh... wait a minute. What grade are all of you in?"

Scootaloo answered, "We are in 12th grade. How about you? Feeling the power of friendship was growing fast. Airborne realized something. "Can I ask you guys something?"

Sweetie Belle answered, "Sure. What is it, Airborne?"

Airborne asked, "Can you make friends by... power?"

The 3 thought about it for a short moment. It took 15 seconds, but Sweetie Belle answered, "No. Power is power, but power divides if not used right."

Apple Bloom said, "I remember Twilight teaching us that power is great, but power is also destructive. It can bring harm or help is used a certain way."

Scootaloo further explained, "Power without bonds brings fear."

Airborne learned he can not change the world by using power alone. He must forge friendships with that power to bring good. He then decided to hold up the Book of Unity. "I follow this book," he said. "It said the same things you guys did, and I live by everything it says. It spoke of a future where perfect peace and complete understanding of everyone are possible. I want a world to be built where I am unseen as an outcast but as a friend."  

Equestria's Risen Hero: Airborne, the Changeling-DragonWhere stories live. Discover now