Astral Distress

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It was early December, December 5th. Airborne woke up in his stone cold, cave bedroom. He groaned as he opened his eyes to the incoming light from his shut window. Looking out of it, he realized that he was late for school. It was 8:30 as he noticed how radiant the light shined in his bedroom. His parents had not come up, however. "Strange." He whispered. He thought that his parents would have come to wake him up, but that never happened this morning. The changeling-dragon began wondering what could have been happening, so he waited 10 more minutes. Eventually, he came to realize that something was definitely wrong. He walked out of his bedroom and flew down the stairs. He made his way around Dragon Lord's Rock on the inside to find the outside. He went down many more stairs, passed a few hallways, and then eventually flew outside the front door. Flying past the many statues he saw in the cavern, he flew upward. He flew to the top of the outside and looked around. Dragons... Changelings... Looking from above, he saw nothing and no trace of creatures. Airborne didn't understand. What was happening? Where was he? He then looked up at the sky and then saw it change from morning to complete night. The sun, in fact, transformed into the moon, glimmering a soft light in the night sky. The glow began focusing on Airborne more. The changeling-dragon felt as if he had to fly towards the moon, which he did. He tried to understand what was going on but he was more attracted to the look of the moon over anything else. Pretty soon, the moon got brighter and brighter until the world was consumed entirely of a white, shimmering glow. Airborne could not look away. He tried to. He was blinded and yet he could not close his eyes to cover them nor could he use any of his limbs to shield his eyes. He spiraled out of control but maintained his balance hovering in the air. Sadly, he saw what came next. The entire sky turned red as there were no lights in the sky, except for a crystal moon/sun. The crystal light in the sky was bright, but also dim enough to see as Airborne looked at the world entirely encased in crystal. The trees were green and brown crystals, the sky was very crystallized in blue, all things in the world appeared to be transformed. Soon... the moon/sun showed a giant unicorn umbrum face. It laughed as it saw the changeling-dragon. The entire world soon grew into red and black and purple crystals as it then explodes underneath him.

Airborne soon woke up apprehensively, panting hard and screaming a bit. The boy kicked the covers off and covered his head with his wings in fear trembling of the dream. He remembered all of it. The horrific look of the land, the emotional and barren emptiness, all of it. He was also looking around in his bedroom as he continued to think of what he went through. "Wait... that was a dream?" he asked confused. "What... was that?! It was so... frightening. The world was transformed. Oof... I've gotta tell my parents about this." Airborne then looked at the window and saw that it was actually night still. He couldn't tell his parents at the current time. Instead, the child just climbed back into bed pulling the covers over him. He was still scared.

Thorax walked into the room and asked, "Airborne. Are you alright?" Ember followed in shortly after.

Airborne said, "I had a nightmare," worried, emotionally distorted as well as confused. "There were..."

Ember sat next to Airborne. "It's okay, sweetie. Tell us what happened."

Airborne hesitantly said, "The entire world was encased in crystal and darkness. The world was... so... hurt. Cold. Barren. It seemed to be as if life itself ceased... I... I don't understand. What was that dream?"

Thorax then said, "Oh, son. You're alright. We are here, aren't we? That dream was just a dream."

Airborne said, "No, this was real. You were gone, dad! You weren't anywhere to be found and so was anyone else!" He was very scared. He didn't know what to do at this point. He didn't want to go back to sleep for he believed the dream would return. He sat up about to cry. "You and mom were gone and I was all alone about ready to die! Please don't make me stay alone!! Please."

Equestria's Risen Hero: Airborne, the Changeling-DragonWhere stories live. Discover now