Chapter 1

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I fly passed  glowing  lamposts, lighting grey pavement underfoot.          Run.
My jacket gets hooked by a passing fence, ripping the shoulder and skimming my skin.
Run. I run. Run. I run. Run.
My legs start to ache, racking my breaths like a dying mans, a tiny trail of blood evidently flowing  and starting to pool into my white shirt. As I turn the corner of the quite street, red and blue flash around me, almost eclipsing me with the sound of frantic sirens. I look around, turning my head around until I get whiplash. I can't run, not anymore.
I almost laughed, but instead I let out a choked sob, and fall to my knees, letting them hit the grey concrete I was once running on. Officers had appeared out of their cars, rushing towards my crumbled form. The one who cuffed me gave me a cold sneer, his disgust was shown plainly across his face. I looked at him, hot liquid oozing from my eyes and trailing down my cheeks. "He made me do it!" I choked out, falling to the floor once again. God, this is pathetic, why can't I do anything right?  Why can't I even run away?  The officer has softened his sneer, taking me in.
"Who made you do it?"
I looked into his cole black eyes, covering my face with my cuffed hands. "B-brother made me do it."
He furrowed his brows, moving my hands away from my face,
"Why?" He was the only thing in my view of blurry tears, a mess of blue and red behind him.
"I-I d-didn't wanna-" sob "leave  Sehun with him."
"Who's Sehun? Is he your friend?" The officer spoke softly now, but loudly enough so I could hear him over the sirens.
"No..-" I try to wipe away the tears from my face, but they were soon replaced by more. "He's my little brother..."
"Where is he now?" The officer said, quick to respond as he patiently pushed me up from the floor.
"Brother is keeping him in the house cellar, he said I had to get as much money as Sehun was worth to me. Brother knows he is priceless to me, I knew it was a life time threat, b-but I had to..." my body started to shake as another officer roughly seated me inside a cop car. The previous one following close behind.
"We'll try to get Sehun back to you ok? Please just try to cooperate and stay calm, if that doesn't work call for Officer Lee Sun Woo."
"Thank you-" but before I could say anything else he was gone, walking towards another cop car at the other end the road.

An hour has passed inside the now moving cop car, leaving me with nothing to do but stare at the seates infront of mine hearing the cops murmur.
"-did you receive information on the suspect?"
"No, but wouldn't it be more accurate to label him as a victim?"
"I suppose so, I heard some Intel on the kid, but unofficially. Captain Lee was chatting him up while I was restraining him. I also heard some cop claiming to know the family."
"So? He's just a brat, can't be that interesting."
"Wrong, His older brother is imprisoning his youngest brother in their family cellar, he's apart of some fucked up gang that their parents started."
"The kid has to pay all the money his little brother is worth to him, which apparently meant a life long dept. The kid steals money from a cashier, tried to make a break for it."
"I get his little brother's in danger, pretty fucked up if he tried to steal the money."
"How else is he supposed to come up with the cash?"
"Coulda become a porn star."
They both chuckled, I felt a feverish blush bloom from my cheeks.
"Whatever, he's still pretty fucked up."


Hey my bunnys,
This is my first book so if you got any hate, then why are you here? Find a fanfic you like and leave my ass alone.

P.s I'm a girl, judge my parents for the name.

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