Chapter 2

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Hey bunnys,
Just so you know, that was an essential piece of (mn)s past. Okeh 😤now I'm letting this shit get real.

I watched as the milk started oozing out of his mouth as Sunwoo hyung had started to scold him.
"For the love fucking decency can you not act like child when I am trying to eat my food Sehun?" Sunwoo hyung gave Sehun a look of complete disgust.
"(Mn) never says I'm disgusting!!" Sehun protests, speaking with his mouth full of multi coloured fruit loops.
I look at both of them, feeling a smile forming on my face, "Who ever makes me coffee is the winner." Both of them ran to the island and started to fight over the kettle, while I casually walked to the hallway mirror. My new uniform looked strange on me, it kinda made me look intimidating. But I guess that's the point. I had a new pair of black vans on, with my new black pants and a black shirt with white writing on my back 'Bighit entertainment, security' and on my chest in bold saying 'security'. They let me keep all my peircings in my ears, which supprised me, since the company has quite a strict dress code. Before I had time to give myself a once-over, a loud sound of broken glass came from the kitchen.
"Shit..." I ran into the kitchen, seeing a broken mug on the floor with a puddle of steaming brown coffee sinking into the once white carpet. I looked up into the culprits eyes, both Sunwoo and Sehun stared at me with nervous eyes. If i wasn't so pissed I would've laughed, Sunwoo hyung was like a father to me, and yet he looks like I might kill him. And Sehun.... well he's just being my little brother.
I raised my brows, about to lecture them when I realised the time, 5:33.
I sighed, "I'll clean this after work ok? Just take the carpet to the laundromat since your work finishes sooner ok Sehun?"
"Yeah yeah sure." He said as he grabbed his phone.
Sehun was a waiter at a nice vintage coffee shop down the road from the police station where Sunwoo works.
He normally finishes at 3:00 p.m. so it was only fair that he took the carpet.
I started to gather my phone and house keys and put them in my wallet.
"Just so you know, I will be back by 6:00 p.m. so start dinner without me ok?"
"Sure thing."
We started walking out the door and to the elevator, when Sunwoo hyung looked at me. "Just... do your best. You've come so far (mn), you deserve it."
The elevator dinged, all of us walking in.

(Time skip bought to you by Jimins snuggles 💙)

I gave the security my pass as they let me in to the huge building, as I walked to the parking lot I saw afew employees look at me. One man in a black tie started to walk my way, with a fast pace that matches his swinging arms, he looked like a soldier as he plows through the parking lot towards me. I hoped my nervousness couldn't be seen as I tried to look casual as he finally reached me.
"Young man, are you a trainee?" His voice was deep and kind, contradicting his strict and ferm style of clothing.
"Um... no sir I'm a new body guard on the premises, this is my first day." I said after I took a 90 degree bow.
He gave me a confused look, like what I was saying was strange.
"So you must be (Ln) (Mn), I have to say boy, your physical appeal should of landed you into a different field in this company."
I felt a blush powder my cheeks, was he saying I could be an idol? What a strange man...
"T-thank you sir."
"Please, I'm only stating the obviouse." He flicked his hand up and down as he said so. "I can show you where you are assigned, just follow me please." He  turned on his heel as he headed into the building.
I heard distant shouts of "sir!" and "paperwork!" As he basically skipped up the flights of stairs.
"Is the elevator not working sir?"
"It is, I just need the excercise after siting on my ass all day."
As we reached the top the man gave a triumphant puff and weeze as we  reatched the top of the flights of stairs.
"Right... here..." He said as he opened a nearby room labled 'Choreography'.
"Wait here." He said as he walked through the door, closing it behind him.
I waited in the empty hallway as I heard peices of conversation.
"New guard..... handsome..... everywhere..... home?" As I put my ear closer to the door, it opened. Before anyone could see me I righted myself and stood properly. Facing the glass wall on the other side of the hall.
"(Ln), you can come in now." I saw the man open the door for me as I walked in, looking at the ground... and seeing 14 shoes infront of me. I slowly started to look up, seeing handsome faces infront of mine. "(Mn) is your new guard, he will serve you and protect you with his life."
I furrowed my brows "Excuse me?"
"Please take care of him!" The man said as he shut the door behind me.
"What? Hey open the door!" I started shaking the handle violntly to try and pry the door open, but to no success.
I started to turn around, trying to regain the last of my pride. " "(Ln) (Mn), their has been an obvious mistake, so please  continue working while I try to open the door." Giving another 90 degree bow. I start to turn back to the door.
"You're cute" A rabbit boy stated, grinning from ear to ear.
A light pink dusted my cheeks, I start to look at him. "Thank y-you."
"Sorry about him, he's young and stupid." A hot boy said, flicking the bunnys forehead. "We haven't introduced ourselves, I'm Kim Namjoon." He shook my hand, giving the others a look to follow his lead.
"Kim Seokjin, pleasure to meet you."
"Jung Hosoek, call me Hope."
"Jeon Jungkook, the maknae." The bunny boy said.
"Park Jimin, I hope we can be friends." The pinkete smiled.
"Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you."
A boy with a blue headband said, he gave me a shining smile that resembled a box, and eyes a warm brown. My heart thumped in my chest as I smiled at him. And I saw a slight blush on his cheeks before I turned to the last boy.
"Min Yoongi, You loveable asshole." He gave me a gummy smile.
"Yoongi!! That's rude!!" Jin exclaimed.
I gaped, no it couldn't be him.. "Yoongi?"
I ran into his arms, embracing him, letting him hug me back. I felt his grip tighten as if he never wanted to let me go.
"Um?" I saw 6 confused boys staring at us. "I want answers!!" Jin exclaimed,  "How do you know him and why did I not meet him before!?" Jin frantically waved his arms about. Like he was about to fall to a great hight.
"Highschool in Daegu, we were the playboys and untouchable cool kids. Not to mention besties." He smirked at me as he slung his arm around my shoulder.
I grinned at him "Min yoongi, you are such a fucking liar, we were far from cool, but to be fair we were players." "Shut up, im trying to have a reputation."
"Oh sorry my mistake, i clearly remember being cool, so cool we sat with like three other people or some shit, we were so cool that we fucked for fun and painted graphite on walls. Yeah we weren't stupid cunts, we were cool." I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall, smirking at an annoyed Yoongi.
"No, you're right we weren't cool, we were better."
"Exactly." I said, like I was stating a fact.
"Anyway some shit happened and he had to move to Seol when he was 17, but by that time I was out of school and we still kept in touch and hung out sometimes. The trater left me, but we still text."
I smile at him, then turn to the guys, all of their jaws were practically to the floor. I gave a nervous laugh.


Hey hey bunnys,
That was.... not planned😅
Completely different direction, but screw it I'm improvising.
This chapter is dedicated to my friend Conner who just left the country 😢.
Goodbye you asshole....
Bye bunnys♡♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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