Chapter 3

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Sunlight pours through the massive window into the bedroom, waking me before I'd like to be woken given the events of last night, but I manage to drag myself out from under the covers. I pull the robe tighter around myself and tie it before exiting the bedroom.

I spot Eve milling about, dusting the various busts that line the hall. She sees me and rushes over, "Miss Beatrice, what would you like breakfast?"

I shake my head with a tired smile, "No, not yet, but I could use some coffee."

"Cream and sugar?"

"Black, and is Michael awake yet?"

She purses her lips, "He woke up some time ago for a business meeting, but he should be back in half an hour."

He must've left at six. No wonder he was so tired yesterday. He works himself to the bone. "And could you point me in the library? I know he has to have one."

"Down the hall and to the right," she beams, "anything else, Miss?"

I bite my lip, "Were you aware that he wakes up in the night? It's pretty hard to miss, he screams and throws an awful fit."

She nods, "I don't usually stay the night, and I'm sure he doesn't let me for that exact reason, but one time I did and I do remember him doing it three times in one night."

"Three times?" I gasp, "That's crazy."

"And I believe that's why he works himself so hard, he probably does it less if he's more tired," she sighs, "Don't tell him I told you about this, he likes to keep his issues private—for business reasons."

I cross my arms, "I understand, thank you for telling me. He did it once last night and I somehow managed to calm him down."

"You're awfully brave for doing that," she chuckles, "I truly am glad you've come around, I hope you stick around. I'll go get your coffee now."

"Thank you," I'm left alone in the great hall and begin my quest to find the library. It's nothing huge, but it doesn't bother me any, I find the small room rather comfortable. It's been organized perfectly by last name, no doubt thanks to the efforts of Eve. How she manages to get so much done is beyond me. I look through the last names beginning with 'H' until I find the one I'm looking for, Hemingway. The book is quite new, so I'm surprised it's already been incorporated into his personal library. I'd be even more surprised if he'd even read it. I pick up the book The Sun Also Rises and sit down on the plush sofa to read it. I've already read the book a few times before, but I love it so much that I enjoy just finding my favorite parts and going over them again.

Eve enters with a tray of coffee and cookies. "Here's your coffee and some Russian Tea Cakes. I thought I would include them since they're one of Mr. Gray's favorites and the chef wants to make a fresh batch today. Mind you, they're only a few days old, but we like to provide the best to Mr. Gray."

"Thank you, Eve," I murmur, "you really do a fantastic job around here."

"It's my pleasure," she says proudly, "just call for me if you need anything else."

"I will," I drink my coffee and resume my book. Times seems to have flown after I've drank two cups of coffee and eaten at least five tea cakes, because in no time at all I hear a knock on the library door and Michael steps in.

"Eve said you liked the cookies," he smiles faintly.

"They're quite good," I hold the last one out to him as he sits next to me, and he takes it from my hand without hesitation before popping it in his mouth. "She told me they were your favorite."

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