Chapter Five

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Tyler's P.O.V.

      " Hello lil' Fury, long time no see. " He said. 

I could've recognized the voice from everywhere. It was engraved into my memory from the beginning.  

" Alexander Pierce. I thought you died along with S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA. " I said putting my stuff down on the desk next to the door. I turned to look at him. He looked older than he was, almost like a worn doll. 

" You can't kill HYDRA. You cut off one head, two more grow back. You think the Triskelion was the only HYDRA base?" He said giving me look of hatred. I shook my head no, feeling a little bit of fear in me. I knew my dad was in another country having a meeting regarding the building of another Avengers HQ. The rest of the gang was on a mission and it was just Bucky and I. 

" What do you want Pierce? I don't have time for this. " I said. 

" I want you. You come with me and the rest of your friends go unharmed, but if you come that means Bucky comes too. " He said. I didn't want Bucky to have to go through all of it again after all the work he's done to get where he is. I grabbed my hand gun off the desk and fired a shot at Pierce whilst running out the door. 

" BUCKY! " I said running down the hall knowing that Pierce was right behind me. Bucky came running towards me and saw Pierce. He picked me with me facing towards Pierce. I fired some more shots at him seeing that I got him in the shoulder. As we made it to the stairs, HYDRA agents came running up the stairs and down the stairs towards us. 

" Bucky, what are we going to do?" I said looking at him. 

" Do you trust me? I need you to trust me. " He said with a serious look on his face. 

" Bucky, I trust you. Just do what you gotta do. " I said grabbing onto Bucky tighter. 

He grabbed onto the railing of the stairs and jumped down the middle of the staircase until he reached the bottom floor which he grabbed the level above with his metal arm. He let go and we landed. We ran into the garage. We looked around until I saw Steve's motorcycle in the corner. 

" Bucky! Over there. " I pointed and we ran. Bucky started up the bike while I ran to the keypad to open the garage up. Bucky pulled up next to me and I jumped onto the back. We pulled out and I looked behind us to see the HYDRA agents running after us. 


We had been driving for a while and I wasn't sure where we were. We pulled into a tiny town where I saw a small restaurant and a few other small businesses. We pulled up to the side of the street and walked to the small restaurant. It had a small window sign that said Smiles cafe: open 24 hours, 7 days a week. I pushed the door open and walked in with Bucky following behind me.  We walked up to the hostess who had blonde curls and a little too much blue eyeshadow on. 

" Hi. How may I help you two?" She said looking at me with disgust before giving Bucky a big smile. I felt a pang of jealousy go through me before I said anything to her. 

" Yes. Can we get a table for two and is there a phone I can use?" I asked trying to not let my anger get the best of me. 

" Yes, just follow me. " She said grabbing two menus turning around showing us the way.  The whole time she walked, she would sway here hips and try to make small talk with Bucky. I sensed it was making him uncomfortable, so to get rid of her, I put my working hand into his and pretending to be his girlfriend. 

We eventually sat down. "There's a telephone in the back. It's one of them old ones that you put change in. " She said while looking at Bucky the whole time. I rolled my eyes and told Bucky I would be right back. I went to the phone grabbed the $1.50 in change that I had in my pocket from Starbucks. I put it into the phone whilst I remembered Tony's burner phone number. 

I dialed the number and listened to it ring. It rang two times before someone picked up. 

" Hello?" said what sounded like Tony. 

" Tony. It's me, Tyler. Bucky and I had to leave HQ. We've been compromised. I have like $30 in cash on me. We're at a little restaurant in New Jersey I think. I don't know what to do. " I said almost crying. 

" Tyler. It's okay. If your in Jersey then make it to North Carolina. I have a small house in the woods there. I'll mail some money to the house, but until I need you to take the numbers I'm about to tell you to an ATM and get $1,000 out to make it there. " He said quickly giving the numbers and hanging up. 

I walked back to Bucky whilst wiping tears from my eyes. " What's up Tyler?" He asked me with a look of concern. 

" It's okay Bucky. We're going to be okay. I talked to Tony. " I said putting my head into my hands. I felt so relieved to be out of it all, but I just wanted to be back in my room. I looked back up at Bucky to see concern written all over his face. 

The waitress came back holding two menus and handing them to us. " Hello, I'm Maggie and I'll be your waitress. What can I get y'all to drink?" She said batting her eyelashes again at Bucky; making me roll mine at her. 

"I'll take some coffee. " I said looking through the menu. Bucky looked through the menu and then looked up at me. I could tell he was kinda confused, so I pointed to the drink section in the menu. He looked for a second before he said that he'll just take a coffee. The waitress nodded her head and smiled before walking away. I looked at the clock seeing it was 1:00 am. 

I helped Bucky pick what he wanted to eat and when we finished we paid then left. I went to the nearest atm and did what Tony told me to do. We got back on the bike and I just told Bucky where to go. 

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