Vriska Serket Being a Useless Lesbian pt 1

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Your name is Vriska Serket and you shouldn't be awake right now. 

You looked at the clock, four am, of fucking course. You groaned and sat up, maybe, just maybe if you made some tea and laid back down you'd be able to sleep, as unlikely as it is you were willing to try for the sake of knowing that you're sister Aranea was going to be visiting tomorrow, and you need to be fully rested to resist from strangling her, both for the fact that she could talk for hours on end and that she was currently dating your ex, the ex you very much still loved and who used you to make Aranea jealous. 

 You walked into the kitchen, expecting it to be empty but on your floor was a girl, no older than you, in all black save the red blindfold around her eyes. She was bleeding from a cut on her cheek and she was eating a jar of nutella. But it's not your nutella, since you didn't eat that shit. But that was most definitely your spoon. She looked up, though she clearly couldn't see you, it was more her acknowledging you had walked in. 

She stopped eating, calmly setting down the nutella and spoon, and said in a scratchy sounding voice, almost as if she had a sore throat, "I can explain." 

 And you waited for her to give an explanation, after a few seconds she had yet to give one. 

"Okay maybe I can't." She eventually said, picking back up her nutella. 

 You made a shocked exasperated sound that was supposed to be words, but you couldn't form them at the moment, shockingly enough since you were the fucking master of snarky remarks and comebacks. 

She, rather stoically grabbed another spoon and held it out to you, "Care to join me, or are you going to keep staring and making odd noises." 

 "I'd rather die, that stuff tastes like shit." There we go Vrooshka, that's more like it, bitchy as ever. 

 "Suit yourself." She shrugged. 

 "Who the fuck even are you?" 

 "Wouldn't you like to know." She smirked, she fucking SMIRKED. The nerve of this bitch. 

 "You're in my apartment, at four o'clock, yeah I'd like to know." 

 "I mean, technically speaking this isn't you're apartment, unless of course you own the building, in which case I'd still not tell you who I am." 

 "oh my fucking god!" you threw your hands up, completely done with her bullshit. 

 She started laughing, it sound like nails on a chalkboard. She was nearly rolling on the ground, had her eyes been uncovered you'd bet she'd be crying.

 "What the hell is so funny." You demanded. 

 "You're really easy to piss off. Reminds me of a friend of mine." 

 "You little-" 

 "Terezi." She interrupted you. 

"And do I get to know you're name, because if not I'm going to refer to you as pissy spider chick." 

"Vriska." You said hesitantly. "You're bleeding y'know." 

 "Yeah, I should probably do something about that." She shrugged again, as if the cut on her cheek wasn't that bad, and she wouldn't probably need stitches. 

 "Come here." You said, and started to walk to your bathroom, you heard her stand and follow you, then you pointed at the toilet, "Sit." 

 She did, though you noticed her hesitation, but decided not to pay it any attention. You grabbed a first aid kit, some floss aaaaaaaand... you needed a sewing needle and a lighter, 

"I'll be back, don't like run you're going to need stitches."You hurried to get what you needed, when you got back she hadn't moved. Thankfully, you knew how to give stitches, a friend of yours had taught you. Well, she actually tried to teach you to sew, but it wasn't all that different, added to what you knew on basic first aid you should be fine.

 You stepped forward, you had also grabbed a washcloth and wet it to clean the blood off her face so you could fully see how bad it was. You reached to take her blindfold off, but she quickly grabbed your wrist. 

 "Can you like, not." She sounded almost desperate, and as if you weren't already confused of why she was blindfolded, this only boosted your curiosity. 

 "Unless you want one hell of a fucking scar, which I wouldn't fault you for. You're going to have to let me take it off so I can help." 

 You heard her grumble, but she let your wrist go, and you carefully removed her blindfold.You barely held in a gasp.All around her eyes were scarred, as if burnt, and her eyes were empty, blank and red, iris, pupil, no, just red. You didn't know what could cause this, and you were willing to bet she wouldn't want to tell, she looked away from you, her face turning into an angry scowl. "Stare some more why don't you?"

 You shook your head, immediately feeling bad. Wait you don't feel bad, no sympathy is weak. You simply decided it was rude to stare. You placed your hand gently under her chin and pointed her face back at you and grabbed the wash clothe. 

 You cleaned around it before grabbing peroxide, and a cotton ball, "This is gonna sting." Not much of a warning though since you had already begun to clean it again and she had already made a hissing sound and tried to pull away. 

You continued, shushing her minor complaining. She was surprisingly unfazed by most of it, which was odd because you had nothing to numb it. When you finished, you stepped away, it was already daylight. Well, it didn't look infected, and you mentally thanked Kanaya for the sewing lessons, because it didn't look so bad. 

 She quickly grabbed her blindfold, tying it around her head. You walked out while she did that, deciding to give her a second. You couldn't help but wonder what the fuck happened to her, the cut on her cheek was deep, nearly to the bone and her eyes.....you didn't normally worry on the sake of others, but you couldn't help it. Something about her, she's like a scared animal, moves away if you move too suddenly, but she didn't speak like she was scared of you which could be that she's simply learned to mask it. Which makes you wonder why she had to. 

 You were wondering too much, but she soon follows after you, returning to her nutella, and her spot on your kitchen floor. 

 "You do know I have chairs." You looked down at her, raising an eyebrow. Which is dumb because she can't see you. 

 "So? Chairs are for the civilized," she said with a wicked grin. 

 And now, despite how she'd broke into your apartment and stole a spoon, you had respect for this disaster before you. Or maybe it was because of what she did, you didn't know.

 And only then you heard a knock, you remembered Aranea. You looked back to the girl on your kitchen floor...well this would take some explaining.

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