I'm not mad at Aranea, just disappointed.

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You're name is Terezi Pyrope, and you needed a good 'I told you so' right now. 

Last night, all was fine, last night you were with a guy you really liked, and had been dating for three years. You really thought you knew him.

His name was Gamzee Makara, he had moved to you're school in you're freshman year. He was weird, smelled constantly like weed, and you suspected he had never been taught what a brush was. But he was kind, and naive and a really good friend. He believed in miracles and when you were at your lowest, he made you believe too.

You started dating when you were 17, its been three years and things had changed a lot. When you first met him he was known as stoner boy, rightfully you might add. And recently he's been trying to stay clean, and you were very proud of him, and you were trying to help. But he's not the same when he's sober.

He's loud, and mean and not at all the person you once knew. He got mad over nothing and he was violent. And after a year of this, you ran. Not before he tried to stop you.

You remember the night before vividly, you had packed most of your stuff and had planned to leave once he fell asleep, you made it about 10 feet to the door before he heard you. He screamed, tried to throw a few punches and scarcely missed, and then he grabbed you and threw you onto the floor, your face hitting a table on the way down. 

You hardly had managed to get back on your feet and run, luckily you were faster than him, and you managed to lose him. You left behind all of your stuff, except for a jar of nutella that was in your pocket.

So you found an apartment building, deciding the resident would be asleep and wouldn't notice one spoon missing. But you made the mistake of sitting to rest. And the bitchy, yet admittedly very pretty girl who's apartment you had broken into found you, and she was pissed. But somewhere along the interesting conversation you both held, she decided to help you, giving you stitches.

When she saw your eyes you could tell she was taken aback. They weren't pretty. You had an accident when you were really young, burning the area around your eyes and permanently blinding you. You couldn't see how bad it looked but you surely knew, from the remarks you had gotten as a kid about them.

And now, you were back on her floor as she rushed to the door, her footsteps sounded panicked and you immediately knew that whoever was at the door was about to be very confused.

You heard Vriska talk with someone else...wait no two voices, one of the voices had a faint New York accent if you had to place it,her voice was smooth and would've been pleasant to listen too had she not kept saying so many damn fish puns, the other was talking so fast and so much you could hardly understand her, but it was much quieter and sounded kind of like Vriska's.

And then you heard footsteps coming toward you, and the sound of Vriska trying to tell the two intruders that they had to leave, giving various excuses from 'I hate you and want neither of you here' to 'there's a rat in the kitchen'

You weren't gonna like the last one kinda hurt.

Her efforts were in vain when you heard the one of them ask, "Fishka? Why is there a ninja on your floor?"

You tensed, you had hoped she'd shoo them away but they were here now. However you couldn't really explain that no, you were not a ninja, just a slightly feral idiot who had broken into this apartment a few hours ago and was still very anxious even though you knew Gam had no way of finding you. 

"Meenah, don't be rude. She looks distressed. Vriska, is you're friend okay, she doesn't look very well, are those stitches. Did you do them? Kanaya must've taught you to sew, didn't she? It's not a horrible job, though maybe I should look at it to make sure it doesn't get infected or that could be very-"

"Aranea I swear to god if you don't shut up you'll need stitches." Vriska snarled, it dawned upon you she must have seen how frantic you were, your hands shaking and you had scooted back against a cabinet of sorts. You were never like this, you realized. You were confident and laud and had no sense of personal space.

You almost shuddered to think how you must look, scared and helpless on the floor, shaking and pathetic. God you must look like a wreck. You hated feeling so weak in front of others. 

So you stood up, dusted yourself off and took a deep breath, "I'm Terezi."

"Are you Fishka's new girlfriend." There was a certain bitterness in her tone, one the rest probably missed even. 

You shook your head, "No I'm, well uh."

You couldn't really think of an explanation, thankfully Vriska did for you, "She broke in last night."

"And you decided to keep her?" Aranea asked.

"You say it like she's a stray dog." If you thought Aranea's tone was harsh, Vriska's was nearly murderous. 

"She could be dangerous."

"I'm right here you know." You said impatiently.

"Why did you break into my sister's apartment then?"

"Long story." You said, and it was. There was no way you'd be able to really tell them, expecially not Aranea, you barely knew her but you decided you hate her.

"She could be a criminal? She could've killed you?" Oh my fucking god now you understood why Vriska tried to make her leave.

"I wouldn't have killed her!" you jumped at your own defense, "That's illegal."

"So is breaking into my apartment." Vriska mumbled, probably too herself.

You turned towards her harshly, "Not helping."

Meanwhile the Meenah was laughing, because apparently she thought this was funny.

The rest of the day would've been fairly awkward had Aranea not stormed out, Meenah apologized that she had to leave early, and followed after her.

You heard Vriska sigh as you basically fell back onto the floor.

"I don't like you're sister." You said quietly as you burried your face in your hands.

"I guessed so, and I don't know what her problem is. This can't be the craziest thing she's found in my kitchen."

You couldn't help but laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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