Fright of Our Lives

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For the first time in a long while I was riding waves, the familiar feeling of excitement and exhilaration rushing through my veins. I've missed this feeling, ever since the beach became a major tourist attraction the place I considered my home has been getting destroyed. I tried everything to spread awareness, but it never seemed to be enough.

Reaching into my shorts I prepared myself for the tunnel wave opportunity I saw that I just could not miss. My thoughts were cut short after being pushed underwater by a wave. I allowed my body to be flung all over as the sea saw fit. When the chance came for me to kick my legs I kicked and pulled as hard as possible to the surface; unfortunately, I was unable to see, my head trapped by one of the things that has taken over my home, a plastic bag.

"Oh God she's drowning someone save her!!!" Someone exclaimed in terror.

"Mellanie oh my God, Mellanie!!!" Stephanie's agonized scream pierced my ear.

All I could do was pray that someone would get to me in time. My legs were starting to tire, it was only a matter of time before they gave up.

"Help!!!" I screamed.

A slap in the face was the response I received the sea letting me know it wasn't over yet. I slowly started sink when I felt someone grab my arm and pull me up.

"I've got you, you're okay," my rescuer said while handing me to the lifeguard on the boat.

"Thank you for saving me," I heaved out.

"You're welcome," he replied while we drove off.

Arriving onshore the guard slowly helped me out of the boat. I saw relieved faces, horrified faces and faces which signified they were either ready to pass out or ready to throw up. Soon my breath was knocked from me after being engulfed in strong and slender arms.

"Thank God you're okay," Stephanie rasped with tears in her eyes.

"You gave us such a fright," Mike choked out.

"No, we gave them the fright of their lives, hopefully this will teach them a lesson to stop polluting the place," I scratched out.

"You mean you gave us the fright of our lives," he said a firm look on his face.

"I know we planned this, but a tunnel was never a part of our plan," Stephanie whispered.

"Well I saw an opportunity to sell our performance and I took it," I declared not caring about the effect on my throat.

"You could have died!" She screeched.

"Had I died it would have had a greater effect, we achieved what we set out to do, just look at how everyone is picking up after themselves," I said with a pointed look, "some are even signing up for the beach clean-up tomorrow."

Turning around they glanced at everyone with amazed look in their eyes. It might have been the fright of our lives, but it was worth it.

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