Chapter 1

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Lilly's P.O.V.

My name is Lilly Owen I am the baby sister of Cody Owen, a.k.a. The CodyMaverick, I am two years younger than Cody and one year younger than Joe, a.k.a. Joebuz, who, may I add, is like another big brother to me. Damn I just realized how many over protective brothers I have, WOW.

ANYWAY, moving on.

The Owens aren't my real family. They took me in when I was 13 years old after Cody and Peter found me on the streets, I had been living on the streets for about two months when they found me.

Why was I on the streets at such a young age you ask? Well when I was 11 years old I was kidnapped by some big guys after they brutely murdered my family and brought to America from South Africa... My name was Sofie Janse Van Rensburg back then.

The police finally found me after two years of practically hell and took me to an orphanage, which I ran from after two days because the kids and the staff were abusive to the timid girl who was smaller than she should be. Thats where the boys found me. The family took me in changed my name and helped me become an American after I told them my story. Because of the abuse I suffered at the hands of those thugs and at the orphanage I am timid and shy around new people as well as having social angsiety, so I realy hate crowds and my siblings know this and always make sure there is at least one of them with me at all times even if it is one of the younger ones. Also I am a VERY cuddly person if I trust you, you will be cuddled, its just one of those things that my family and friends have come to expect from me.

Ok so both Cody and Joe made me a part of their Youtube chanel and as far as I can tell I'm pretty popular as I sometimes make videos on my own, most of the time though I work with at least one of them.
My name on the videos is ShadowLilly and my avatar is a penguin like my brothers' though it looks a bit different.

I absolutely love doing videos with the boys as most of the time I end up laughing my ass of at them.

Though I think they do it just to amuse me as I know all my siblings Joe included would do anything for me, he knows the true story behind me becoming an Owen, not that I wouldn't do the same though, myfamily means the world to me.

Now, I follow the Little Club and I'm pretty sure they watch our videos too or at least some of them, the boys have done some videos with them and I know they've watched some of the videos I do with my brothers, but I don't think they know who I realy am and I find it amusing that they haven't figured it out yet. See Cody and Joe have met the in person but I've never gotten the chance because I had school whenever there was an event so I could never go.

That will change soon as I am finally done with school and will be able to join my brothers at the next event.

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