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NINO'S EYES BUGGED out from behind his well perched frames. "Y-You want me to what with her?" he inquired, voice trembling as he spoke. Marinette giggled behind her curled hand. "Alya would be more than willing to do anything you want her to, all in return for a cookies and cream cupcake," she winked.

Alya quickly settled for another flavor when she saw her favorite was missing. Despite the big talk she shared just a little bit earlier, the girl inevitably chickened out when she saw Nino's shy little grin.

Nino's face flushed crimson as his fingers fumbled together. His brown eyes drifted over to where the rest of her companions were seated, gaze snagging on the only girl at the inhabited table. Marinette smirked.

"How do you know she'd do anything?"

The dark haired girl licked her lips. "The girl is an absolute slut for sugar," she said, pivoting on her toes and tossing a teasing glance over her shoulder at Nino before meeting her friends back up. She chortled, as her words were purposefully laced with a double meaning.

Her hands each held onto a cupcake; a key lime pie flavored dessert for Adrien, and a fresh strawberry one for herself. Seeing as how Adrien time traveled without any currency, she constantly picked up his tab, something he was not proud of. He swore he'd make it up to her the second he got a chance. However, the boy was grateful that she never made him feel badly about this fact.

In the meantime, Marinette noted a dollop of baby green frosting on her thumb from transporting Adrien's cupcake. Shrugging her shoulders, she brought her finger to her mouth before sticking her pink tongue out and licking the sugar off. A strangled choke emanated out from Adrien, while Luka traced the movement cautiously and soundlessly. His bright, teal eyes glinted toward Adrien, backing off once he recalled his conversation with the girl just the night prior.

"Why is Nino coming over here? Mari, what did you do?" Alya asked through clenched teeth. Giving her best friend a wicked smile and a quick hair fluff, Marinette shrugged with a false innocence. "Just call me your Fairy Godmother," Marinette joked aloud, feeling incredibly smug.

Luka raised his brow at the situation, finding inward amusement. Holding a hand behind his back, Nino used his other hand to grab a chair nearby. The action was supposed to be smooth, but it flopped as the leg caught on the table it was under, causing it to fumble loudly. There was an ear-splitting screech that everyone in the vicinity cringed at.

Finally pulling up the chair, Nino plopped. Delicately, the boy placed a cookies and cream cupcake in front of Alya. Her eyes lit up behind her glasses in a way that warmed all of her friend's hearts. "I thought there weren't any left," Alya gasped. Nino smiled sweetly.

Directing his attention to the quiet blonde, the dark haired boy inquired, "I'm Nino, and you are?" The blonde slid into an easygoing smile, one that he seemed to pull consistently. "I'm Adrien." Nino's eyes widened marginally.

"Oh! You're the time traveler! Dude, I have, like, a million questions. First of all-"

"Actually, before the two of you geeks spiral into a black hole, would you have been able to guess that Adrien was from the eighties before you knew?" Alya asked, gathering intel on her handiwork. In response, Nino shook his head. "I had no idea."

Alya smirked in a jovial manner, happy her input had results. Her attention shifted to the rare dessert he had brought her. She pointed at the cupcake, curiously looking at his eyes for more explanation.

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