It's Time

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Disclaimer: I do not own Supergirl, the Flash, or Arrow. I am using some dialogue from the shows in this story.


"Oliver, who is Oliver?" Clark asks.

"He's a vigilante and he can help us get the kryptonite from Cadmus before savitar gets his hands on it." Barry says.

"Well, we need all the help we can get." 

"In that case I'm in." Says Mon-El

I see Barry thinking about it and then says "Ok. Thanks. We need the help."

"What are you doing, Mon-El! This isn't part of the mission!" Imra whispers. No one else besides my cousin and I look over because we're the only ones that could hear the whisper. 

Clark gives Imra and Mon-El a suspicious look, but they ignore it. 

"Just stop Imra, we can't let Supergirl die. She's not meant to die this way. The future has changed." Mon-El whispers.

"The future has changed because we came. Kara would never be in this position if we hadn't have come." They continue to whisper until my cousin yells at them.

"So Kara could possibly die because you guys came back to this time and changed something? How could you do that to her Mon-El?" Clark yelled at them.

"What's going on?" Barry asks.

"Mon-El and Imra are over there whispering about how they changed the timeline, and that could be why Kara could die." Clark says angrily.

"What! How could you be so careless! Now my girlfriend could die because of the change in the timeline!" Barry yelled at them, but more Mon-El than Imra.

"Originally, there was no mention of Savitar in any of the multiverses, but somehow, we changed the timeline. I think when Kara and Barry started dating, that triggered Savitar to come. But Supergirl wasn't supposed to die this way. We have to save her, or else the future will be out of balance." Imra says.

"You both are heartless. You don't even care, that you put the woman I love in danger! Kara might die, and you both are more concerned about how Supergirl should've died, instead of helping to solve the problem now!" Barry yelled wrapping his arms around me.

I see Mon-El stiffen when Barry said he loves me, but why would he? He's married and we've both moved on.

"Wait a second, lets stop fighting and just go over what we know. We know that Savitar wants to kill Kara because Barry loves her. But how would destroying Barry create Savitar? We need to find out who Savitar is, so we can know for sure how killing Kara would create Savitar. Also, we know that he wasn't here when Barry was dating Iris. So we know Barry has stronger feelings for Kara than he ever did about Iris. Because of that, Savitar is using that against Barry." Cisco says to us.

"Well, for now, lets focus on getting all of the Kryptonite and putting it somewhere safe." Kara says.

-Time Jump-

We breached over to earth-1 and got Oliver and Felicity to come help us infiltrate Cadmus. The rest of team Arrow stayed behind to protect Star City. We fill them in on what was happening and Oliver and Felicity agreed to help.

"Alright. Lets go get some Kryptonite." Barry says.

-Time Jump-

Oliver, Barry, J'onn, Alex, Mon-El, Cisco, and Imra just got back from retrieving the Kryptonite. J'onn flew the Kryptonite to the Fortress of Solitude. 

"That was too easy." Oliver says.

"Yeah, you're right. That almost never happens. It's starting to bother m-" Barry is interrupted when a flash of Blue runs in the room.

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