↠ Defending the North

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I cried while going with my hands to my face, pain was overtaking my body. I went with my hand through my hair and let the tears go. I sobbed and buried my head into the body.

Was it all worth it?

Five hours earlier

The orcs had arrived first.

We had ridden days and nights and they had still managed to arrive first.

They were with fewer than I expected, but still with many. The Dunédain had closed their gate and I could see men standing on the wall, firing arrows. It was then that the orcs broke through the gate and were storming into the village.

I leaded my dwarves into the village, Thengel following us. Women ran with their children inside their house while being hunted by orcs. I gritted my teeth and beheaded an orc who was about to kill a girl.

"Quickly, go home," I said while trying to defend her from the incoming orcs. I made my way towards the village while slashing through orcs until I saw a certain dark haired Ranger fighting.

"Hello there!" I greeted him. "Remember me?"

His grey eyes snapped up and I could see him sigh in relief. "Keira! Thank the Valar."

I dismounted my horse and let him go. I then turned to Aragorn and gave him a short hug.

"It's good to see you still in one piece." I quietly said. Before he could reply, I threw my knife into an orc who tried to attack him from behind. I grabbed my knife and looked over my shoulder at Aragorn.

"I'll see you when all of this is over."

I didn't wait for his reply but ran towards Farin.

"Farin!" I called out. "How many?"

He slashed down an orc with his axe before answering. "None yet, your grace, but we'll need the extra dwarves soon."

I nodded and glanced at the hill.

They still weren't here.

I looked back at Farin. "They'll come."

"I know they will."

I nodded and looked around, trying to find Tauriel. I saw her fighting with five orcs and made my way over to her.

"Need some help?" I asked while beheading one and piercing the second one with my sword.

Tauriel rolled her eyes while dealing with the other three. "I was doing just fine and you know it! You were just stealing my prey."

I looked around. "I think there are plenty orcs enough for the both of us."

She grinned. "Last one to fifty loses and has to pay for drinks?" She suggested.

I grinned and grabbed my bow to shoot an incoming orc. "That's sixteen, try to keep up, will ya."

She laughed and the two of us made our way towards my brothers.

"Twenty-two!" She yelled.

I cursed. "I'm on twenty!"

"Are you playing a game while fighting?" Daylor asked.

I chuckled. "We have to entertain ourselves."

"Ladies and gentlemen," Faelar began, "Queen Keira of Erebor!"

I let out a laughter while slitting the neck of an orc.

Farin ran towards me. "Keira!" He exclaimed. "They are here! And they brought Dwalin!"

My eyes landed on the bold dwarf who was slashing orcs, he seemed to enjoy himself. I made my way towards him and greeted him with a smile.

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