I Almost Lost You

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The day started just like any other. Kevin wakes up, eats breakfast, showers, and gets into his JROTC uniform. He only joined the JROTC so he could spend more time with Moose. Since summer, the two have been fooling around in secret. Though now, Kevin is getting tired of the secrecy; he wants a real relationship with Moose, but Moose is too afraid of what his father will think of him.

"Bye, Dad, I'm going to school." Kevin said on his way out the door.

"Bye, son." replied Tom.

Kevin walks to school with Toni and Cheryl. When they get there, the girls head to their lockers. Before he even reached his locker, Kevin was pulled into an empty classroom and had a pair of lips pressed against his.

"Didn't scare ya, did I?" Moose asked.

"A little." Kevin chuckled.

The boys begin to passionately make out in the dark room. There were times where Kevin wanted to stop and tell Moose what he wants, but he didn't; because he didn't want to kill the moment. Suddenly, he got this horrible feeling and pulls out of the kiss.

"Something wrong?" asked Moose, confused.

Then, out of nowhere, Kevin collapses to the floor and has a seizure.

"Kevin!" Moose gasped.

He kneels down and scoops the convulsing boy into his arms.

"HELP! Somebody help, please!" screamed Moose.

The football player continues to scream and scream for help. Luckily, someone heard his screams and bursts into the room. It was Mr. Mason, Moose's dad. He sees that Kevin is having a seizure and immediately calls an ambulance. Even when the ambulance arrived, Kevin's seizure still didn't subside.

"OH MY GOD!" gasped Veronica seeing Kevin being wheeled to an ambulance.

Moose and his dad ride in the ambulance with Kevin. About halfway through the ride, Kevin's seizure suddenly stops and he goes limp. A paramedic places her fingers on Kevin's neck to check his pulse.

"There's no pulse." she said urgently.

The other paramedics jump into action and grab a defibrillator to use on Kevin.

"Clear!" called a paramedic.

The paramedics place the defibrillator on Kevin's chest. This process was repeated five times until Kevin's heart started.

"That was a close one." sighed a paramedic.

"Sorry you had to see your friend like that." he told Moose.

Moose couldn't say a word, all he did was stare at Kevin with tears in his eyes. When they arrived at the hospital, Mr. Mason calls Kevin's dad and tells him what happened.

"Come on, son, Tom's on his way, let's go." said Mr. Mason.

"No! I'm not leaving until I know Kevin is okay!" Moose snapped.

"Woah, calm down, son. Alright, we won't leave. You two must be really good friends." Mr. Mason replied.

"He's not my friend, Dad. Kevin's my boyfriend." said Moose.

Mr. Mason's jaw dropped to the floor. Then he got angry.

"What the h*ll did you just say!?" he said angrily grabbing his son's arm.

"You heard me." Moose replied.

Moose's dad gets up and storms out of the hospital. On his way out he passes Tom Keller; who had Ciera, Josie, Veronica, Cheryl, Toni, and Reggie with him.

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