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"Hey, Case." called my boy friend Rick 

"Hey babe." we'd only been dating like a week but... he's really nice.

"Wht'cha do'n?" he asked putting his arm around me and kissing my cheek.

"Working on my midterm... stop it." I giggle as he tickles my sides "Stop, Stop!" I burst out laughing as he chases me around the house. "You are such a child."I say getting the sofa between us

"And you're to mature... how old are you 25 26?"

"I'm 16 and you know that." 

"Really?" the smile melts of my face.

"You're joking right?"

"... Yeah of course." I could tell he was lying, but I just smiled. I sat on the sofa and Rick sat beside me. I knew he didn't think I was 26 but it bugged me that he didn't know what my age really was. I turned to look at him as soon as I did he pressed his lips against my it took me a minute to realize what had happened. He was kissing me! no one ever kissed me before, not like this! It was so fast we hadn't been dating very long. he ran his fingers across my back. this is wrong it's to soon.

"Whoa!" said my older sister as she came in the room. Rick immediately let me go. "I'm so sorry! I'm just going to leave now, you go back to what ever you were doing. have fun... not to much fun, if you get where I'm going." she eyed me

"Ew Julie! we'd never do that!" I stuck my tong out at her as she left the room. "Immature enough for you?" I smile and look a Rich he smiles back and move in for another kiss. I was scared and I didn't wan't to kiss him phone rang. Thank god! "Hello." 

"Hey Casey, wanna go to the mall with me?"

"Hey Louise. yeah sure." I really don't like Louise and I REALLY didn't want to got to the mall with her but she's my 'friend' or at least that's what I portend, and this was the perfect excuse to get away from Rich. "Hey babe?" I say to him I'm going to go out with a friend, K?" I smile

"Alright, I should probably get going anyway." he stood and stretched.

"Okay." I say to Louise "So I'll meet you there?" 

"Sure, see you in like a half hour."

"Bye." Ugh I hate her so much. but that's life, you've got to be good with the bitches and bastards if you don't want to be treated like trash..

Casey Carlisle The DollWhere stories live. Discover now