It's A Sad World

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It's Monday... god I hate Monday's. Monday is the day I get to go back to school and all my 'friends' are going to want to know how my weekend was what I did, wore, bot, eat! this is my school life.


Louise is at my house today 'helping' me pick what to wear so far she's turned down every thing I wanted to wear. "Not that! it's to old! here let me look." she shoved past me and in to my closet thoroughgoing close in every direction she finally came out and held up some hand me downs from my sister, it was a pink spaghetti strap belly top and a pare of washed out ripped short shorts. she handed them to me and pushed me in to the bath room to change.  when I came out she searched with delight. "You look!... Amazing." she whispered wistfully 

"Really? you don't think it's kinda... slutty?" I looked in the mirror I'd never shown so much skin before and I felt naked but if it's what Louise want's then that's what I'll where.

 "No don't be silly you look fabulous!" 


 We get out of Louise's convertible and run to our fist class we're really really late. "Mr. hampsher's going to kill us, bring us back to life then kill us again!" I yell as we run through the hall way 

"I know!" laughs Louise as we walk in tp  class panting like dogs.

"You're late." Mr. Hampsher. we walk over to our desk's and sit.

"We know." we say at the same time, and open our history books.


at lunch me and Louise sit at the same table as Lora amber, Simon Bates and odiously my boyfriend. I scoot over to him and cuddle up close as Maggie Page walks by and our whole table sets into one thought and one thought only. making Maggie feel as horrible as possible. "So Maggie I heard your boyfriend and you broke up, is that right?" asked Louise with a twisted smile. 

"I heard he found out she cheating on him." Lora whispered loudly,

"Leave the poor girl alone, I heard that her mothers sick in the hospital and isn't going to get beter, oops did I say that?" now let me explain what's happening right now. There is a rule of order at our school, and if you step even just a toe across the line, you get thrown in the dungeon and get lined up for your execution. I'll tell you the ranking of the our school, Fisrt at the top of the list are the populars, myself, Lora, Simon, Louise, and Rick. then there are the then there are the artcies, you know they do painting and acting and all that junk. then we have the hippies, then the chess club, and then there's the drop outs you know the people that failed the grade and had to stay back a year then the chess team and the math club, and then way at the bottom of the list even past all the freaky deaky nerds in our school are the popular rejects. the popular rejects are the teens that USE to be populars but they did something wrong and they got kicked out, and yes Maggie is one of them. it's a sad world we live in but that's the way things go.

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