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I couldn't help but think about my dream all day. I know the answer, but how am I supposed to make myself believe. I believe, I know that, but not fully. How am I supposed to fully believe? How do I make myself not have doubts? 

I could have the boys help me, but what would they say when the figure out I still doubt all of this? What am I supposed to do? I know how to fix this, but then I don't. It should be easy. I know the answer.

I sighed. I didn't want to think about this today. I needed a break. I wasn't sick anymore. I don't even know how long I was asleep.

I went up to my room. I wanted to talk to them, not about my dream, I just wanted to talk, to take my mind off things. I opened the door and seen everyone sitting around doing nothing.

I felt bad. They've been up here doing nothing for days. I needed to get them out of the house.

"Hey, do you guys want to do something? Ya know, get out of the house."

Two-Bit jumped up. "Yes! I am tired of being in this house all day!"

"Alright, come on."

We walked around town for a little while. We did a bunch of things and had a great time. It really helped me get my mind off things.

"Can we go to the mall?" Cherry asked.

"No! I don't want a repeat of last time." Cherry and Marcia pouted. I really didn't want to have to look for them again. Especially with the boys here, they would want to go their own way. Instead of two people to look for I would have nin—eight. Eight. Eight people.

I don't feel complete without Johnny here. No one does. I wish there was a way to bring him back.

We continued our day roaming around town. Going into stores. Causing trouble. Pretty much things all the boys love. The moment I said we had to go the boys all groaned. I knew they didn't want to leave, but I was getting late and if I'm not home I could get in trouble.

When we got home my parents weren't there. But they would be in any minute. All the boys went up to my room and did who knows what. After a few minutes of waiting on my parents I decided to go upstairs until they got home.

We talked for a few minutes and I finally heard the front door open. I walked downstairs and talked to my parents for a little while. I was sitting on the couch when I felt my phone vibrate.

Maddy: We need to talk

Jade: Savannah is really mad. We had to make another group chat just to talk

Jade: We know you're mad but can you please answer us. If you don't want to talk now we can talk tomorrow.

I decided to respond back. I needed to talk to them. But not now, not here. It needed to be in person.

Me: Meet me at my house tomorrow after school. Bring Savannah too. I don't care how mad she is. I need to talk

This was my last chance to convince them. They had to believe me. I know they will. I have proof. And, hopefully, no doubt.

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