Sitting up

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My promise came true to Sybie. Eloise sat up own her own 2 days into her sixth month. After that,Miss Sybie was overjoyed. Branson,the nanny,and Lady Mary all gave her a talk.

"No pushing her over, and don't play rough." Branson lectured.

"Make sure if she slumps down,you call for me. I'll always be in the room." The nanny explained.

"Be gentle. She mustn't get hurt. Don't give her blocks or sharp small things to play with." Lady Mary told her.

And Miss Sybie listened to all of the rules. When I entered the the nursery to put sheets, clothing and other things away,I always looked over at them.

"Here Elsie. Take this teddy. His name is Muffin. You can have him. He was my favourite when I was little,but I have a bunny that I like better now. So you can have Muffin,and I can have pinky." She explained to her.

Eloise eyed the the bear and stuck the ear in her mouth.

"You mustn't do that Elsie. That will make Muffin all scraggly and wet. You have to take good care of him." She instructed.

Eloise gave her a look and continued to suck on the ear.

"Nanny! Elsie won't take muffin out of her mouth!" She cried.

"She's just a baby. Give her something else to play with." The nanny said, helping Sir George into his shoes.

Miss Sybie shrugged and and gave Eloise a bottle. She picked it up and shook it.

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