chapter one

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"Look at this fatso,she doesn't know how to ride on a bike" hamza said teasing Azeezah who has been trying to learn a bicycle.

"Leave me alone, I didn't ask you to teach me how to ride on it". The seven years old girl said

" Don't worry,I wouldn't even teach you,I'm still wondering how come the tyres are still intact"

"Leave me alone,you're distracting me" she said

"I'm i fatso?? Anyway its even better you ride on a bicycle because you'll reduce"

"My dad said I'm beautiful just the way I am"

"Yes,you are but he didn't tell you,you're fat"

"Hamza it's okay,stop teasing her" Muhammed her senior brother and also Hamza's best friend said to hamza standing beside him

Muhammed and hamza mothers have been childhood best friends and now their children are best of friends

"Ok,I won't tease her anymore" hamza said

"For now" he added mischievously

She was seriously riding on her bicycle and then suddenly she fell with the bicycle, hamza ran towards her and carried her before her brother could and sat her down on a bench

"I told you,you'll never know how to ride on a bicycle"

"You caused it,and in learning so I'm bound to fall,ya Muhammed told me so. Didn't you" she asked her brother

"Yeah I did but you have to be careful"

"Yes I will ya Muhammed di na"

"Hope you didn't injure your self?" Hamza asked with concern laced in his voice

"No,I didn't"

"Azeezah,why don't you go inside and rest,I want to go out with hamza "

"To where?"

"As usual play ball and you better rest"

"Ok,ya Muhammed,I will and please don't stay out to long" she said pecking him and coming down from the bench

"Bye" she said waving at her brother and walking away


"Leave me alone,I won't wave at you" she said sticking her tongue out at him😝😝.And then ran inside before he could poke her dimples she totally hates it when he does that but what will she do when he always doing it.

Then the boys started walking towards the gate

"Why do you like teasing her"
"I don't know,I just enjoy doing so".

"You're not serious,Dan Allah" and they went to play football with their friends.

    They came back around 6:OO looking stressed out

"Salam alaikum" they both said walking straight into the kitchen to drink water

"W alaikum salam" Azeezah who was in the parlour munching on her chocolate and watching Mickey mouse on Disney

When they were back

"Why won't you grow fat,when you eat all the time"

Ya Muhammed, tell ya hamza that I'm not going to answer him and tell him that I'm chubby not fat"

"See,I don't have your times, where's mama?"

"She's inside her room reading,Abba called,he said he will be coming back next tomorrow

" Thank God,anyways let me go and see her ,hamza are you coming or are you staying her?"

"No,I'm tagging along Azeezah will kill me if you leave and I've not seen her since I came, let me greet her before I leave"

"Oya,let's go"

"Fatso, you better stop eating that chocolate before you become obese oo" he said leaving then Azeezah threw the pillow she was holding at him

" ya Muhammed ,let ya hamza to leave me alone"

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One love💓💓

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