chapter two

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Cos you'll never be alone
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby I'm right here

"Azeezah be fast now,we have test this morning,don't make us late" Muhammed said

"Please don't rush my princess" their mama said helping Azeezah with her lunch box and Azeezah trailing behind her

"Ya Muhammed I'm sorry"

"Okay,no problem" he said entering the car and mama helped Azeezah to enter the car and pecking her

"Mama,we have to pick hamza and habiba. He said as his mum came to kiss him good bye

"Just stop complaining let me peck you good bye" she said pecking him

"Ohh,mama I'm now a big boy"

"You'll always be my baby" she said smiling at him

" Mallam musa drive carefully ka ji"

"Okay hajia insha Allah"then he drove off to hamza's house which was just five minutes drive.

They picked him and went straight to drop them off at school. Their school was very close to each other hamza and Muhammed was attending St.Mary secondary school and Azeezah and habiba was attending the primary school.

     After school,Muhammed was in Mr kolade's office to submit the signing book in the staff office so hamza couldn't wait so he went to habiba's school to pick them so that they can wait for their driver  only to see their classmate bullying Azeezah, he walked there

" What is the meaning of this"he asked but the guy ignored him

"Azeezah, what did he do to you?" He asked but she couldn't talk

"Habiba,tell me what is happening

"Ya hamza,he has been bullying her since last week and he said that if she tells Ya Muhammed or you,he will beat her up" she said

"And why didn't you tell me?"

"Azeezah said I shouldn't talk".

" So is it true? "
"Yes and what can you do about it" the guy said nonchalantly before one could said JACK ROBINSON, hamza gave the guy a dirty slap and they started fighting,he started punching at the guys nose and.....

In the midst of the fight,Muhammed was passing by when habiba shouted his name,he came closer only to see his brother,best friend fighting. He didn't even ask what happen he just joined in the fight since hamza was fighting two more fight so he helped him with one.

The next day,Muhammed and Hamza's mother's was invited to the school,they have been childhood bestiees. Their kids were given a week suspension for fighting and the other boys were given two weeks suspension.

They went straight to Hajia  Aisha's house

"Muhammed, hamza the both of you should kneel down" they knelt down in front of her

"Why are you punishing them, what did they do?" Muhammad's dad said coming down from the stairs

"Imagine,do you know why we were invited to this children's school"

"No,what is the problem"

"These children are now gangsters,they are just fighting up and down"

"Take it easy with them,I'm going out, Fatima you people should take it easy with them"

"No problem"

"Ok bye" he said and walked out

"Back to you boys,imagine you're just fourteen and you're turning to gangsters already"

The boys couldn't say a word

"Since you don't want to talk,habiba, Azeezah" she called them and after few seconds they came running down the stairs

"Oya,girls tell me what happened" she asked

"Mama, a boy has been bullying Azeezah for more than a week" habiba said

"And why?" Hajia Fatima said

"It's because Muhammed reported him to a teacher and he was flogged because of that and I couldn't watch him bully Azeezah" Hamza said

"Shut up,and you Azeezah,if it's at home your mouth will not allow us to rest but outside you won't say anything" mama said

"Mama,the boy is very big,he is as big as ya Muhammed and Ya Hamza"she said as tears was rolling down her face.

" Mama, Ummi I'm really sorry"she said and the boys said sorry too

"Oya you guys should go upstairs and you're grounded" Hajia Fatima said

"Ummi,we're sorry" Azeezah said

"It's okay" Hajia Fatima said

They al left the place and hamza was busy consoling Azeezah and Hajia Fatima was just looking at them smiling

"Aisha my wish is coming to pass "

"What wisH kuma"

"Did you see the way hamza was consoling Azeezah and how he tried protecting her?'

" Aisha they're to young abeg"

"Im so happy"

"See stop making this children start thinking things"

"Can't I wish again"

"You're not serious" and the both burst into laughter...

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