Chapter 7

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He turned her around and ripped her panties. He smacked her ass hard causing her to scream. 

"If you don't quiet down, I'll hit you harder." he warned her. 

Luisa was trying not to scream, causing her to pull the tie harder. He slid it in. She was not expecting that, but she felt amazing. He started going faster and harder making her moan quite loud. He turned her around once more. two fingers were sliding from her lips all the way down there. He started once more to rub it and then he slid it in. They both did not want this to stop, but Drew was going so fast and so hard, they both came and got exhausted. 

Drew untied her and hugged her tightly. She didn't complain, she was actually enjoying it. They both fell asleep after that LOONG workout (lol). They were sleeping so peacefully when someone knocked really hard on the door. Luisa jumped out of the bed and wrapped a balnket around her, thankfully Drew did not wake up. It was Luisa's best friend Ashley. 


"SSSHHHHHH! quiet down please." Luisa said as she opened the door slightly and peeped her head out. 

Ashley noticed the blanket and she knew what she had done. 

"You slutty bitch. You fucked the new kid! Whaaaaaatttt. I don't know my best friend anymore" she bursted out laughing. 

"First off, no, he fucked me haha. Second of all, his name is Drew, AGAIN. And third of all you still know me, I am still ME, and I'm pretty sure nothing has changed." Luisa answered as she was giggling. 

"Well ok, whatever. Just came here to invite you to my party. Me and Brady are celebrating our 2 year anniversary and bring your fuckboy ha ha. I'll let you and your buddy in there get to business, just don't fuck too much, save that for my party. BYEEEEEEE!!!!!" 

As Ashley was leaving, Luisa closed her door and went back to sleep with Drew. 

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