Chapter 8

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The next couple of day were normal throughout the day for Drew and Luisa, but sexy and wild in the night. One day Drew asked Luisa out. 

"Hey, you know I'm not good with these type of things, but do you want to go on a date with me??" Drew asked nervously thinking that Luisa only wanted him for physical attraction. 

"Of course. I would love to. When and where??" 

" I will pick you up at the front of the building at 8:30 pm and it will be tomorrow." He said as he was filled with excitement. 

That night Drew didn't sleep in the dorm. Drew had explained that he didn't want to know what she would look like for tomorrow and that he wanted for it to be a surprise. Luisa was so heart warmed by the gesture, that she even went shopping and looked for the best outfit so that she would leave him speechless. Drew did the same thing--he went and bought the sexiest tuxedo and bought the biggest and most expensive box of red roses. 

The next day, they both didn't talk to each other all day due to that they were getting ready for the special date. She had bought a red dress that went all the way down to her knees, and under she had special undergarment that was fit for the occasion. He was wearing a black and tight tuxedo and he had rented a nice car because he didn't want to take any risks with her in his motorcycle. It was 8:00 and Drew was already waiting outside the building and had the roses in his hand while the other on the handle of the car door. 

He waited patiently until she her walking down the hallway wearing the red dress. When she got out, she smiled at him and said hi. He said hi as well and gave the roses. He opened the car door and then he hoped in the car and started driving. 

"Where are we going??" Luisa asked nicely.

"It's a surprise." He answered in the most sweetest way. 

Before they arrived, Drew pulled over the car and turned over the car. He blindfolded Luisa and asked her to not take them off at any moment until he did so. She obeyed and she was anxious the rest of the way. When they arrived he got off and opened the door and holded Luisa's hand and took her to her seat. Drew had taken her to the fanciest place there was in the town and he had reserved the whole restaurant to themselves. 

He took the blindfold off and she was left speechless. They ate and at the very end when they asked the dessert, her dessert came with a note:


She happily said yes and they headed back to campus. When they arrived to the building, he carried her all the way to the dorm and for the first time they didn't have sex, they made love. They were so happy they spooned and went to sleep peacefully and in love. Luisa was finally seeing the sweet and romantic side to Drew and she was happy. Drew was happy and thankful that she said yes and that she didn't just want her for sex. 

Unpredictable Boy... Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon