Chapter 3

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                    (Adilene's pov)

School is going to be over in a week. I'm so happy because its going to be summer and also because we get to go to 1Ds concert.

Carmen planned the kidnapping. I hope it works and se don't get caught.

My phone rang and I answered it.


"blue, What's up girl finished with homework"

"nop not yet I cant wait till school ends" I signed

"I know right. Carmen said that 1D will be at you house"

"what! no homie"

"yeah plus your parents won't be home for the whole summer"

"well yeah but"

"c'mon we will stay with you"

"fine" I signed.

"yay I will let Carmen know"

"ok Hazel bye I still have tons of homework"

"ok bye bæ"

"bye" I hung up and went back to doing my homework.


I was finally done with my homework. Where would 1D stay.

in the basement or the attic. The attic is a bad idea so the basement it is.

how will they survive. Oh well ne and the girls will talk about this later.

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