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So, welcome to my book! If you have read any of my previous books, you know that it has been a LONG while since I've made a book and I'm glad you stuck around and got to see this one!

So, let's start with categories.

I promised a dear friend and follower of mine that I would post a pic of my SVTFOE O.C. so that will be the first one tomorrow. So there will be:


2.) Hamilton

3.) Webtoons.

4.) Just a bunch of randomness here and there.

It won't always be in that order, I'll just post whatever, so, yeah!

I really hope you enjoy this book as much as I love drawing!

Also, I am taking requests so if there's an Animatic, Webtoon, SVTFOE character, any kind of animated series or Anime, I will gladly accept your requests! I also found out that I can draw real people into kind of an Anime, so if you wanna give me a challenge, feel free to ask! Just PM me your request and even send a link to the image of you'd like and I'll see what I can cook up! (Hehe. I've always wanted to say that XD) Just, please, nothing inappropriate. Keep it PG.

Again, thanks so much for reading this! It makes me happy!


~ fastpitchbatter

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