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6 Years Later..

The guy keep on staring at the picture of him, his parent and his little brother. He is sitting on his bed, elbows on his knees. His eyes never leave the picture. He miss them.. So much.. Losing them is something that he hope NEVER happen. Yeah, it's beem 6 years since the incident happened but he still cannot forget about WHY they leave him and his brother.

They're killed.. His fist clenched, causing the picture to scrunched up. As soon as he noticed that he almost destroy the one and only picture of him and his family, he immediately sighed before 'repairing' the picture again. Then, he stand up before walking out of his room.

?? P.O.V
I walked towards my office, only to see that my little boy is sitting on the couch comfortably, crossing his legs. I smiled, walking to him then sat down on the couch in front of him, also crossing my legs. Both of us already moved out of our old house. Because we thought it will be easier for us to forget about the painful memories that is haunting us. The house is filled with too many memories, whether the sad one or even the happy one. It's too many to handle.

I don't want any of us to get into depression because of these shit. So we moved to a mansion that has almost EVERYTHING in it. Even an office for me to work. Yeah, work.. " So, you're ready for tomorrow, boy ? " I asked, looking at him while smiling. He looked at me without even a single smile on his face before sighing, looking away. " Hyung, do we really have to do this ? " He asked, turning his head to me. I exhaled, rolling my eyes. " I told you before, right ? We have to.. For our parent's sake ! "

I said, slightly raising my voice. This is the thousand times he ask me about this. He still don't get it or what ?? " But hyung, she's innocent ! " He spoke, also raising his voice . I stand up, pointing my findex finger on him. " Like it or not, you're still gonna start the mission tomorrow, little boy.. She's innocent or not, the blood that is flowing on her body is still a killer's blood.. " I said darkly before heading out of the office. He's still don't get it..

?? P.O.V
I sighed as I rubbed my face with my hands. He still wanna continue this fucking mission.. Ahh, fine ! I stand up, walking out of the office before walking towards my room. I have school tomorrow, yeah it sucks as hell..

The Next Morning..

I woke up, hearing the alarm on my phone beeping annoyingly. I groaned before sliding my phone screen, making it immediately stopped beeping. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. Now.. School and mission.. I don't wanna do this.. Help me, mom..

I sat up as I heard my clock ringing. I stretched my arms, yawning. Time for school~ Don't get me wrong.. I hate school too. I stand up then walked towards my bathroom, started showering.

I picked an outfit and this is it ! I smiled to myself on the mirror before walking out of my room, heading to the kitchen

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I picked an outfit and this is it ! I smiled to myself on the mirror before walking out of my room, heading to the kitchen. You guys are probably wondering.. I still live with my aunt and uncle or not ? Well, the answer is no. Why ? Because I decided to live on my own, learn to be independent. I made myself a pancake then I ate it with honey. After that, I drank a glass of milk before walking out of the house, heading to school. Yeah, I walked..

Later, I arrived at school. I stepped into the hallway, only to be greeted by everyone, especially girls that are talking about the new student. Yup, we have a new student today. I don't know whether it's a boy or girl. But I think it's a boy because all the girls are talking about HIM.

I ignored their words before walking towards my locker then opened it, putting my unneeded books into it. Suddenly.. " Hi ?.. " I immediately turned my head towards the owner of the voice, only to see that a black haired guy is standing in front of me with a charming smile on his face. I swear to God that he is handsome as hell just like a PRINCE ! And of course I can hear almost all the girls are whispering about how handsome he is, why he is talking to me and not to them and bla bla bla.

" Emm.. Yes ? " I asked, tilting my head. He leaned closer, staring at me. " Emm.. Can you show me where is the principal office ?.. " He asked, also tilting his head. I stared at his perfect features for a while before nodding my head. " Yeah, sure.. " I said, smiling.

We walked out of the principal office as soon as the new student got his timetable. And if you ask me, yes. We have the same classes. ALL of it.. " So, thank you for your help.. What's your name ? " He asked, leaning against the locker. I smiled. " First, my pleasure.. Second, my name is Byun Y/N.. You ? " I asked, raising my eyebrow at him . He smiled before speaking. " I'm Christian.. Park Christian.. "


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