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I Promise

" Chim..? " I slowly looked down with blurry vision, looking at him that is now smiling widely while looking up at me. C-Chim.. My.. M-My.. I immediately held my head while wincing in pain. Ahh..

Panic immediately rushed in my body as I saw her holding her head. " Baby ?? " I called her but she suddenly became unconscious, causing her to fell down but I immediately caught her. Fuck ! I carried her bridal style, walking upstairs. Please be okay.. Please..

Few Minutes Later..

I placed the clothes into the wardrobe, closing the door afterwards. You can't leave.. I can't leave without you.. Suddenly.. " Umphh.. " I immediately turned around, only to see she is struggling on the bed. " Princess ? "

I slowly open my eyes, adjusting it to the light. Where the fuck am I..? " Princess ? " I turned my head to the owner of the voice, only to see Jimin is walking towards me before slowly sat down on the edge of the bed.

" Hey

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" Hey.. You okay ?.. " He whispered softly, caressing my head. I stared at him before it suddenly hits me. Chim.. I immediately pushed his hand away, causing him to widening his eyes. " Baby ?.. " He asked, tilting his head. I sat up, glaring at him. " Why.. Why now.. Why now you're telling me this ?? Why now ?? " I said, slightly raising my voice. He sighed, moving closer to me but I moved backwards. " Baby.. Look.. I can explain.. " He said, staring at me. Huh, explain..

" Explain what, huh ? You leave me ! You gave up as soon as I said that I can't remember you ! You should help me in remembering you ! But where were you ?? You're gone ! You're not with me through thick or thin ! You left me gaining my memories alone ! Why, Park Jimin, why ?! Sometimes I felt stupid for crying every single day although I don't know what's the reason for me to do so. I felt like I lose something.. I felt like my finger is empty.. Now I know why.. Because of you ! "

I finally raised my voice, tears started filling my eyes. Shit.. I can't handle this.. He looked down, nodding his head before grabbing my hands, gripping it in his. I tried to snatch my hands back but he's too strong. " Baby.. Listen, okay ?? I left for a reason.. Listen to my explanation first, okay ? " He said softly, calming me down.

Fine.. He took a deep breath befpre started speaking. " Okay.. I believe that you know about your parents killed mine.. Right ?.. " He carefully asked, trying hard not to make me angry. I sighed before looking down, nodding my head. Of course I know..

" Okay.. Actually.. At the hospital, I can see that your parents don't like mine. I don't know why but my instinct strongly said that something bad happened between them before. So in my mind, there's only one thing.. If we love each other but our parents doesn't approve this relationship, why should we continue it, right ? "

He explained while here I am, looking down while hearing every single words that came out of his mouth. " Then, I decided to take this ring from you before leaving for good.. " He continued, gently touching the leaf ring on my finger. I looked at his hand, realizing that my heart actually belongs to him..

No wonder I felt like Chris' face is familiar when I first saw him.. " I don't know why but that time, I felt like I will meet you again one day.. I thought we will meet in a.. Good way but.. We meet in a.. Very bad way.. " He said, closing his eyes before opening it again.

" I swear, I've never think about you for years since I leave you. But as soon as I found out that your parents killed mine.. My heart dropped. I already promised to myself and my parents that I will kill the killer's heir, especially when the killers.. Already dead in a car accident.. But I immediately cried as I knew that the person is.. You.. You are their one and only child.. That's why I asked Christian to be the one to date you instead of me.. I don't wanna get hurt.. I don't want you to meet me although I know that maybe you still can't remember me.. I just.. I just can't look at you.. I feel like crying.. But when I think about it again.. Using Christian was the biggest mistake ever.. In the end, all of us will get hurt.. You're hurt because Chris will leave you.. He will hurt because he has to leave you although I know that he will eventually fall on love with you. And I will hurt because.. Because I see you're in pain.. "

He explained again while slowly, a tear escaped his eye. I closed my eyes, tears streaming down my face. God.. Help me.. This is too much.. " That's why I keep on reminding him not to fall for you.. But he's stubborn.. In the end he still fell for you.. And you.. " He slowly looked at me. " You also fell for him.. Right ?.. "

He tilted his head, faking a smile. I looked at him, remaining silent before looking down again. I love you, idiot.. I love Christian because his face looks just like you.. " I swear, baby.. I don't even know how Chris can killed himself. I never thought he will do something like that.. " He said then looked down before suddenly, I heard him crying.. " I miss him.. " He said, hiding his face from my sight. I wanna comfort him but.. I can't.. " All this while.. " He wiped his tears, started speaking.

" I knew about your plan.. I know that you wanna seek revenge for him.. That's why I let your plan worked.. I want you to be happy since I know that I've hurt you and Chris a lot.. So I let you be.. But it also hurts me when I see that.. You still didn't remember me.. "

He said, sniffing. I looked away, biting my lips. " I'm sorry, Byun Y/N.. I know it's all my fault from the start.. Forgive me, please.. " He said then suddenly I saw that my luggage is all empty. What the.. " Yah.. Where's all my stuff ?? " I asked, wiping my tears, trying to get away from the topic. I don't wanna look weak in front of him.. He looked up, looking at me with his puffy eyes. " Babe.. Don't tell me you.. " I immediately stand up, walking away from me and went towards the wardrobe, taking out all my clothes then put it into the luggage.

" Baby.. I'm begging you, don't go please.. " Jimin keep on begging, trying to hold my hand but I snatched my arms away. Soon, I zipped the luggage then carried it before walking out of the room. " Y/N ! Don't do this to me, please ! " Jimin shouted, trying to stop me but I ignored him. Before stepping out of the mansion, I looked at him that is crying while walking down the stairs, looking at me. " We will meet again if we are really meant to be.. I promise.. "

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