Chillin Like A Villain 8

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Ben and Breanne finally came down to the expectant Evie and Carlos.

"Where's Mal and Jay." Evie wondered as Bree shrugged off Ben's arm and walked off. Ben sighed

"They're not coming back." Ben told her following the direction of his sister.

"What? We'll talk to them." Carlos and Evie went to the speakerphone that connected up to the hang out.

"Mal, Jay. It's Evie and Carlos, let us just talk to you for a second." she pleaded. Up in the hang out, Mal switched the connection.

"Go Away!" she called back with a huff.

"Maybe we should give them a couple of hours." Carlos stated and then went to get the twins

"Where are the twins?" he wondered Evie joined him.

"Ben? Bree?!" but no one answered then coming out of the shadows a figure came.

"Ben, gosh don't scare us like that. Where's Bree?" she wondered thinking it was the King that came back, but it wasn't out of the shadows came Harry.

"Don't scare you? But that's my speciality." Harry smirked

"Harry." Evie sneered

"What did you do with Ben and Breanne?" Carlos asked. Harry looked back to where he came from and then back at the two VKs

"Oh, um we nicked 'em Mmm hum. Yeah, if you want to see them again have Mal come to the Chip shop tonight, she can bring Jay if she wishes but no one else. Uma want's a little visit." he then gave a little bark at Carlos before turning on his heal and leaving them behind whistling. Carlos grabbed a rock then threw it at the sign causing the gate to go up. Both them them ran to inform their friends of what had just happened.


"If you guys never would have brought them here, this wouldn't have happened. What were you thinking?" Mal snapped at her friends

"They were gonna come with or without us, we just wanted to protect them."

"Yes and you completely blew it." Jay retorted "The whole reason we left is to protect them." he added

"So what are we going to do?" Carlos asked

"We aren't going to do anything. This is between Uma and me, and she's a punk. now guess what we have to go get him." she gestured between herself and Jay

"You'll still have to go through Harry and his minions." Jay replied

"Which is why I have you, you're aloud to come they aren't." Mal answered

"Well I know one thing, I'm not going anywhere." Carlos said sitting down. Evie sighed and looked at her friends.

"We'll be here when you get back." Jay and Mal left the two and headed to the chip shop.


At the chip shop Uma came out with two trays of food and dropped one infant of a customer, said customer turned around

"Hey, I wanted the fried clams!"

And I wanted a sea pony, life ain't fair!" Uma shouted at the customer. She headed for the second and gave him his food, just as Mal and Jay strutted through the entrance. Uma saw them.

"I'm back." Mal sang smirking. Jay good behind her arms folded looking very annoyed and intimidating.

 Jay good behind her arms folded looking very annoyed and intimidating

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