Q and A

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So there have been a few Questions since i ended the second book so you won't have to go through ever question and answer in the comments or message me. i will answer some now and update in the future.

Will there be a third book?

Yes there will be at some point in the future not sure when.

Will you do descendants 3 or the other

Both hopefully

Which will come first descendants three or the other one?

No idea. When the third movie is released I will probably look at plot and clips come up with a few ideas but technically I can't do D3 till its released in the UK. Who knows by then I might have a fully fledged idea that will be the my none movie one.

Why did you end it like that?

I had half a idea which sounded good, so I rolled with it?

What Happens next?

Wait and See

Will Breanne really become Queen and Jay King?

Hummm the future is wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. Its is not a fixed point. Would you want them to become King and Queen

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