Chapter 2( my real friends

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//Evan is the one smiling and Zoey the one in the middle Ni is the one on the far right//
Zoey & Ni don't really find me entertaining I remember on their 7th birthday and I came to there house me and the triplets went into their room and I sat on Cooper's bed at the time I didn't know that it was their brother who had gotten taken  by their mothers really mean ex-husband and they hadn't seen him in years, Evan eventually forgave me but I don't think the other two have I guess they were really close to him. Semaj was the first person to ever a  no oh man accept me as who I was unlike his twin brother who teased pig me and yelled at me Semaj was my best friend and if I'm being truthful he was my first crush too but  I made my first mistake by trying to be friends with Willa. See Willa didn't just give you her friendship you had to pay a cost and like most 3rd graders at the time wanted to know your crush and the fact that I only had 2 and ⅔ of friends I gave it to her. The next day I went to go see Semaj were we always meet at the side of the class and he wasn't there I had looked and looked but didn't find him then the bell rang.

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