To Belgium

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I'm sitting in my office, and 3 men walk into my office, the first man was wearing a black coat, he's in charge of a newspaper company in Belgium, "we've seen the work you did here, and we would like to collaborate with you". My eyes widen in excitement and I smile to ear to ear.

A few weeks later

Adam Pov
I walking to the factory, and everyone's erratically running around and moving things. I was a little confused about what was going on, I find Mrs. Radmund with a big smile on her face, I look at her with a confused look, "didn't anyone tell you ?, the company moving to Belgian". I was astonished at what I just heard "And the 3% of the men that work for me are moving over to Belgium to work, and the other 1% state" she looked at me with all my modesty at what I'm going to say, I couldn't believe it I can see it in her eyes she wanted me to come, I wish I could. "I can't, I have to stay here".


A few weeks later

Valerie Pov
I hear a knock at the door, I open the door and see Tintin, with the big smile on his face, he pulls out his hand in front of me to shake my hand, I shook his hand, "looking forward to be working with you" he said while shaking my hand, I smile back at him. Sometime later I hear a another knock at the door, I open the door and I see Adam holden a suitcase I smile.

The end

Writers note her husband has written a letter to a Newspaper company in Belgium, to collaborate with her he sent the letter before he died.

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