I said I wouldn't mind

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would you like her better cause

she's just a lil bit prettier

I won't mind

I'm just wondering if her soul calls to yours

like mine sings your name

Is her gravity more provoking then mine

I won't mind

I promise I won't mind at all

does she say she just wants to be friends

with you and no more

and then do you go and cry and just say why

over and over and over again

I won't mind

I promise

I said I would love you forever and a day

and never ever tire

but you couldn't hear me

cause she was sayin hi

I didn't mind

and then we were alone

and she was with another man

(( I was happy then, oh so happy ))

and I said it again to you with

my heart given away in every word

I would love you forever and a day

and never ever tire

(( my heart was beating so fast, waiting on your reply ))

I didn't mind

that you just stared at me

for two minutes without talking

and then you said

"Do you think he's cuter then me, is that why she's with him?"

I started screaming inside


(( then it escaped ))

as the tears came freely

your face went red

I said I f*cking mind

I want to love you

but I can't if she's the only

f*cking thing your heart, and eyes see

I started screaming again

I can't be second choice for you

when my soul is crying for yours

and then with my eyes red,

my face red and puffy,

my makeup smeared,

and my heart completely riped apart,

and the utter embarresment seeping

out from every pore of your body

I got up


and I never looked back


Words, broken with tears to mendWhere stories live. Discover now