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I met Johnald through his mother and I have cherished the day it happened, because that day I gained a partner in crime, support, sex, and many other things.

I made the rash decision in sleeping with Johnald on the first date, because I was rash and stupid and lonely with just me and Carl. I've never regretted it though, no matter the heart ache it bore, or how it tarnished my self worth.

Johnald is as they say here in Cambodia "សត្វមួយនៅចន្លោះសន្លឹក/satv muoy nowchanloh sanluk" which translates to "a beast between the sheets." Johnald could have me squealing like a prized pig, shivering like a musk rat underground in the winter, sobbing like a broken animal, and sweating like a sinner in church.

One could assume our relationship was purely physical.

It was.

It is.

He is a great step in parent for Carl.

I would marry him in a second.

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