Chapter 2

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I quickly change my blood stained shirt and leggings for a sports bra and a shirt along with different leggings. I go over to my bed and sit down on the edge. I place my head in my hands and concentrate on my breathing for a few minutes.

A knock suddenly sounds from my door, so I stand up and walk over to my door. I open it to find Adam leaning against the door frame with a sly smile.

Before I can react, he ruffles my hair before pushing his way past me and into my room.

"Come in," I mutter sarcastically under my breath before shutting the door behind him.

"Want to explain what happened, sister?" Adam asks me with a cocked eyebrow.

"We're not related, and you know it," I tell him softly.

"And that's not going to stop me from thinking of you as my sister. Talk to me, Ella. What happened out there today? I practice fighting with you all the time and I haven't seen you go haywire like that since you first arrived," he says softly. He rolls his shoulder a few times before continuing. "Of course back then you weren't great at fighting and it was a lot easier to take."

I let out a soft chuckle, bringing a grin to his face. "I'm sorry," I start off, gesturing to his newly formed injuries. "Just a bad flashback of a memory."

Adam approaches me before gently pulling me into a hug. "I'm here if you ever need to talk."

"You always offer, but since when have I ever taken you up on your offer?" I ask, slightly muffled by his shoulder.

His chuckle slightly rocks us, and he pulls back to look at me. "I hope that one day you will. You have to learn to trust someone eventually. I just hope that someday that person might be here. You know that I'm always going to be here for you."

"Not going to happen."

He nods before taking a few steps away and towards the door. As he gets closer, he suddenly spins back to look at me.

"I almost forgot to tell you what I came here for. Evelyn wants to see you in the analyze ward."

Without any further explanation, Adam exits my room, leaving my door open after him.

"What? Why the analyze ward?" I ask, wondering if this was the next test or if she thought I had cracked.

People weren't sent to the analyze ward often. People who were sent there were either never heard from again, or came out changed. There were a few who were lucky and they came out perfectly unchanged.

I quickly leave my room, making sure to close the door and lock it. I start walking towards the analyze ward. I've never been inside of it, but everyone in Ashvale knows where every room is.

I quickly arrive, and the door is wide open. I see Evelyn and Casey standing inside and talking, both on one side of an examination chair with a machine next to it. Once they spot me just outside the door, they both stop talking and turn to look at me. They both have such serious expressions you'd have thought they'd just shot a puppy.

"Come in," Evelyn says, gesturing for me to enter.

I walk into the room and Casey starts walking towards me. He extends one arm out right above my head. My thoughts are that he's about to touch my head and I instinctively avoid him by quickly dodging to the side. Casey gives me a look like he thinks I'm crazy, then I notice his hand is on the door. He pushes it until it's all the way shut. He locks the door then turns back to me, and I'm staring at him with wide, alert eyes. He looks over to Evelyn, and so do I.

I quickly sit down in the examination chair. I open my mouth but Evelyn speaks before I can utter a syllable.

"This is the second test. It tests the control of fear."

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