Chapter 8: Defeat

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Mostly resolving their differences, Thor and Loki both departed the study to check on the other Initiative members as they were composing their lists. As they entered the living room area, they all seemed to be very engrossed in the task. Thor knew he also had to lead by example, so he hunted for a hotel pad and pen, which he eventually found in a drawer in a nearby coffee table. He then sat in one of the chairs that lined the long dining table.

Minerva and Sasha were also sitting at the table, but farther down from them.

"Come on, Loki, help me out with this," Thor said.

"Of course, brother," Loki said, in his familiar sassy tone Thor had come to expect and sat down beside him.

"I would really like to see if one of our Asgardian dishes could be made with the equivalent of Midgardian ingredients."

"That could be a tall order," Loki said, "it depends on what you choose."

"Mother used to serve that mock-Bilgesnipe stew for us when we were kids..."

"True, it was a very tasty meal, with a slice of that special bread..."

"Yes, that bread - it was only served during certain months, because of that herb which only grew at certain times of the year," Thor sighed, "I miss mother."

Loki looked at his brother for a moment with hesitation, then said, "as do I."

"Hey, you two," Minerva said from the other end of the table, "didn't mean to eavesdrop, but did I just hear you say your mother isn't with you anymore?"

"Yes," Thor said with another sigh, "she really knew how to organize Yule on Asgard. With both our parents gone, we are at a loss on what we can contribute to this party."

"Don't worry," Minerva said, "I'm sure we can all help you come up with something. Maybe not in food, but something to educate us Midgardians in Asgard culture?"

"Oh! I know," Sasha said, "like that movie about that knight. You could show us specific Asgardian dance steps!"

"Oh, I don't know..." Thor started to say.

"Come on, Brother," Loki said, finding the suggestion enticing, along with the thought of performing those steps with Beverlee, "it is a worthy idea."

"I'll think about it," Thor said.

"Speaking about losing mothers, I lost mine a few years ago, so I can relate," Minerva said, "she taught me so much about cooking and taking care of myself, but even with all that knowledge, it was really hard during the holidays. I would have traded all that knowledge to have her tell me if the turkey in the oven was done, or that the nylons I chose for a dress were the right shade."

Then Jamal spoke from the couch not too far away from the dining table, "I miss my grandmother. She seemed to always know how to keep us kids happy when we visited for the holidays. Mugs of cocoa after playing in the snow for hours."

"Remember when we went on that mission in Prague this year?" Blitz spoke up, "I had learned before we had left that my uncle was in the hospital, but I didn't exactly know what for... I lived with him in my younger years when I went to university. He did everything he could to help me advance educationally and gave me great advice, not only personally, but to help me professionally. When we got back, I was told he passed away. It kills me... that I never got to say good-bye."

What Blitz had said reminded Loki that Beverlee had also lost her uncle this year, but he remained silent.

A sombre silence ensued.

"My friends," Thor said, attempting to lighten the mood, "I am sorry to hear of your losses. During the party, we shall drink a toast in their honour."

The group all nodded their heads, then returned to their tasks.

Thor put his hand on Loki's shoulder, "Mead, we need bottles of mead. I believe they have that available on Midgard."

"Yes, they do. Definitely, a bold beverage in which to toast," Loki said with a benign smile.

12 Plot Points Of Christmas: A Writer's ChallengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora