chapter 3

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Seokmin's POV
'Hmm..Today's d-day of big sis going to L.A...and I have to stay at home..Grr..I want to see her off😟'. "Big sis must have depart by now..Well, I think I should wait for her-", then my phone buzzed meaning that someone texted me.'Oh! Its big sis!! What a coincidence'.

From big sis Lo loli
Hey Seokmin~ah..Im in the air right now ✈..

To big sis
Okay..Have a safe flight sis!!😘 I miss you already..👉👈

After a few minutes, she replied...

From big sis
I miss you too Seokmin~ah!!😣 I really hope that you can come too..but you need to study cause your only 14 years old... Lol😂

To big sis
Yah!!! Im only one year younger from you know😤

From big sis
Yey yey... I know..Hey Seokmin~ah, can you do me a favor?

To big sis
What is it?

From big sis
I want you to be a singer, can you?

I was shocked by her favor...'Well, I do have a good voice though..' I chuckled for a bit. And then I replied to her,

To big sis
Hm..I think I can do that, but why?

From big sis
Well... I just wanna see my talented lil bro becoming a singer when Im back from the L.A😁

'Did she just called me talented..Well, I am talented'😂

To big sis
Okay!!! And thank you for the compliment😘..Okay sis, I gotta go now..bye!!!❤

(Y/n)'s POV

To Seokmin💙

'He really is cute'.I just smiled looking at my phone and then, "Hey!!!Why are you smiling like that while looking at your phone,huh?" Baekhyun said."Well, its nothing actually. Im just texting with my lil bro,thats it" I smiled at him."Ooh..Seokmin,isnt it?". "Well yeah..daa~" I said while looking at the window.'I hope this wont take long.'

~time skip~
Baekhyun's POV
At L.A•
Its been a year now and y/n is getting better and better now. We went to our favourite cafe.We chatted as usual but then something made me shocked, "ARE YOU INSANE Y/N!!" Some of the people in the cafe were shocked when I yelled."Hey! Stop with your sudden reaction baekhyun~ah" She burst out laughing. I was embarrased and quickly apologized to them "Im very sorry.." I quickly sit and whispered to her "how about we go to the park there" while pointing to the park infront of us."Yeah sure" Then we went to the park to talked about the stuff she just said earlier.

"So, about that...are you serious?". " Well,yeah Im sure about it. Why?"She ask."You want me to say that you're dead..Are you freaking out of your mind! How do I gonna tell that to your family y/n~ah?". "Hmm..Just told them that I was dead because of that disease...Simple". " But why do you want to do that?" I ask her with a puzzled eyes."I just want to have another life. Thats all.." "Your saying that you want to be rebirth?". She nodded." And also, I want you to go back to Korea this right moment" She said it with serious face."Chakkaman~(wait a sec)..r-r-right now?" I gulped a bit."Haha.. No you silly boy..I want you to go back home this week, I just want you to have a life there...I can managed myself.I also have Uncle Seungri and Hyuna with me"She smiled showing her teeth."But-" "No buts..end of decision".

(Y/n)'s POV
" But-" "No buts..end of decision" I knocked the table three times like in the court.😂. "Well, if you say so...Eh, Annyeong hyuna~ah!!". I turned around to see Hyuna coming towards us." Ooh...Annyeong~ Baekhyun-ssi, y/n-ssi". "Why are you here Hyuna~ah?" I asked her."Im just strolling around the park,cant I?" She is Hyuna,my bff that I met in L.A..She's my supporter when Im struggling to get healthy and healthier.. "Ooh..." Me and Baekhyun said it at the same time.I just grinned at her. "Come! Join us." "Okay then." She sat besides me and Baekhyun told her about my plan. After she heard about it, she just slapped my arm."Yah!!Whats that for"I yelled while rubbing my arm."Mianhae~..Its automatically want to slap you" She grinned."Yeah..whatever." I just rolled my eyes."Hmm...So,are gonna proceed with that crazy plan of yours?"she said. I once again nodded.

Hyuna's POV
'She is a crazy girl that I've known for this one year'."Hey y/n~ah! How do you gonna tell Uncle Seungri about-" "I know that he WILL go mad about my plan but Im pretty sure that he will understand it later.."Uhmm..How about me? How do I gonna tell them?" Baekhyun said.'Ooh..I forgot about Baekhyunie's present😂'. "Well, as I was saying..Just go back to Korea and tell them about it..You are the best actor that I've ever known" Y/n said. "If you say so..Well, we cant say 'no' as an answer for you, right Baekhyun-ssi?" He nodded. Then all of us laugh.

~time skip~
Today, Baekhyunie will be off to Korea while me and y/n will stay here in L.A. "I dont want to go..." He whined. "Yah!!!Your old enough to be a trainee  Baekhyun~ah."Y/n said while giving a him a nugged on the head." YAH!!Thats hurt you know!"He yelled while rubbing his head. I just laugh at him."Well,see you for the next 4 years and dont forget about our plan, got it?"She said and he just nodded."Okay...See you later Baekhyun~ah!!" We waved at him while seeing him off. "Okay, lets go then." "Sure!"She said.

sorry for the late update. Im just so busy with my thang lately...Hope you enjoy😉.

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