Chapter 1. Cry Baby

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A/N: yeeeeeeet I finally wrote something in a while

(The story won't be like how it is in the video on top, SOOOOOOOOOOOOO uhhhh yeah-)
Μ೦иᑯʌy‣ Ⅷ ᐱΜ‣ ᐱ† ƨɔh೦೦∟

Some kids were playing, some were joking around with their friends, oh was everything great, but to Tord it was a not.

Ah Tord, a crybaby that's mostly known by his school, he's a victim for being bullied due to the amount of times he's cried and family problems.

"Well well well, look what we have here?" A kid pointed out, everyone stopped what they were doing and surrounded Tord.

"Well if it isn't the ugly crybaby we know." Another one said, a few laughed at the insult the kid made while others insulted him more. Tord could feel some tears corner his eyes as he gets more and more judges.

Drop by drop, the salty cold drops of water fell down his face. Each sniff he made was a cry for help.

"Ha! Pathetic! You're such a crybaby! What are you gonna do now, huh? Cry for your mommy? Oh wait! She doesn't even care!" A kid said, all the other kids then laughed.

Tord then decided to just run home since he had no other choice, he couldn't even tell a teacher because they'd just ignore him.

ⵓ ━ Ƨʍʌ∟ †iʍəƨκiϸ ━ ⵓ

As the boy ran, he finally arrived at his destination. He opened the door and jumped on to the couch not caring if he was going to get hurt or not.

He knew no one would be home since his sister(Tori) was out buying her cigarettes, his mom drinking 24/7 and his dad being a filthy hoe getting all the girls and fucking every single one of them.

[ ʌи೦†həɾ ƨʍʌ∟∟ †iʍəƨκiϸ ]

As Tord continued to cry his eyes out, he heard the front door open, Tord then looked up and saw his sister, Tori, sighing.

Tori then noticed Tord and asked "What are you doing here bro? Aren't you supposed to be doing some school bullshit or somethin' right now? And what happened?"

Tord sniffed and rubbed his left eye, and said stuttering a bit "Y-yeah, and I g-got bullied  for b-being a cry baby..."

Tori then left the bag of cigarettes she bought on the counter, she quickly hugged Tord, "come on bro, you're better than this" she said, Tord was shocked (SHOOK) but then hugged back.

'Maybd I am strong... Wait... This is my sister...Oh who am I kidding, she's probably just joking around with me...' Tord thought in his mind.

"Now, I have to do some stuff, I'm gonna be in my room, so if you need me then call me, 'kay?" Tori asked, Tord nodded. "Good" She finished as she let go, took her stuff and went to her room.

Tord was then starting to wonder, 'why am I a cry baby? Why does it have to be like this? What did I do to deserve this?'. He kept on asking himself while crying and drowning into a pool of tears and questions.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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