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Pacifism: the belief that violence is unacceptable and unnecessary in any situation

The supernatural had always held an influence in human's worlds, even if minor. The creatures normally thought of as fictional played small parts in everything, from politics to trends. There was the moreso popular beings, moreso mainstream, but these creatures were still here. Before you, before I, before generations of people.

Serene was human. Purely and fully. And just like her mother, and her mother's mother, she had access to magic. All humans had such an ability, but it was more so practiced by women, and came more naturally to them than men. In the more modern day, however, it had become a dead art, forgotten and very neglected. This phenomenon was born from people's inability to accept magic in mass groups. Religions had banned it, social formalities considered it foolish, and it was essentially useless for most.


Serene lived in a small town in the middle of nowhere, Minnesota USA. Her home thrived with humans and supernatural beings alike. They coexisted from respect and understanding, that and the fact most humans there dabbled in magic. Some stuck to classical magic, some looked for newer spells, and, albeit rarely, some tried to create new kinds. As uncommon as it was, Serene's matrical predecessors made new, modern magic their muse. Her grandmother's mother had made a career from it, of which was passed along the generations, along with the home in which they created these spells.

When Serene was born, their town was plagued by Changelings, a kind of fae that switched their children with human children in hopes of their child having a better life under human care, or even surviving the vulnerable years ahead. At that time, her mother and grandmother grew busy with requests to charm homes and ward the foreign beings' from their homes. Business was booming for the pair, her father even got involved with some of the spells, though his ability concerning magic was less than impressive. Serene's room was heavily warded, her crib and windows lined with cold iron. Her father went as far as to start metal wielding charms and trinkets from iron, though his practice was only temporary, and one he seldomly continued on- unless requested. Another rarity. This busy time led her mother and grandmother to start looking for protection spells, and at the age of two, as the changelings grew as less of a threat, Serene received her first protective spell.

The spell itself could've failed, for all her mother and grandmother could have known, but they decided to test it. The requested a neighbor come over, a vampire named Mr. Charles Scarlet, and simply react to the child. Without garlic or a cross, they presented Serene to the vampire. They had the situation completely controlled, they knew the meticulous man never allowed for his hunger to consume him, and they had spells they could throw up the moment they grew even slightly worried. When prompted, Charles simply, and bluntly stated she didn't smell like human, and he held no hostile nor predatory ideas. He had no intention to go after the weakest target, in fact had he been completely savage he would have turned on the mother if anyone. The pair thanked him for his time, and sent him home with an invitation to dinner later that week.

Since that time as a toddler, Serene never had a fear of the supernatural beings that lurked in her town, although her instincts were supposed to tell her otherwise, she never minded any of her inhuman neighbors or peers, and she went as far as to even consider Mr. Scarlet almost as a relative- at the very least, a great friend. Much to her family's dismay, she was a true lover of the surrounding forests, and threw caution to the wind when addressing the supernatural creatures that were around her. On the contrary, however, her family was more than happy to find she excelled in magic manipulation and was very much charismatic, which bestowed a feeling of welcoming to the shop. Serene lived life well, and quickly caught onto the family business. She lived nearly invisible to the dangerous beings around her. She had no fear, because in her small town of Logston, she was better yet known as the pacifist.

Authors note:
Well, first story- took long enough. This is a work in progress, and something I'm working on late at night on winter break (2018) so if there are any grammatical errors please give me a heads up :) I'm a slower writer and I'm divulging into lore I am recently reading up on. If you find any inconsistencies please let me know, the internet can only help so much. Thank you for reading and have a lovely day or night!

The Pacifist *under heavy editing*Where stories live. Discover now