Facing Heracles

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(A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't been updating. I have been kinda busy and haven't been able to think of more to write. I think I will start updating once a week. I think Wednesday through Friday. I will start writing another soon, so check out what I've written every once and a while.)

In the lunch room, I pull him to the table where i usually sit with my friends. Feliks looks surprised, but smiles. Heracles scowls and turns the other way. I smile at Gilbert and sit next to Feliks. Gilbert sits next to me.

Francis and Antonio look around the lunch room, probably for Gilbert. Antonio sees him first and runs over. Francis follows him and fixes his hair as he sits down next to Antonio, one seat away from Gilbert. He sees Michelle and sighs because she is talking to Arthur. Gilbert and Antonio smirk at each other. Gilbert whispers,"We can finally tease him about who he likes. Kesesese!" Antonio nods," Francis, she just smiled at him! What is she likes him?!" Francis starts to get panicky."Did she really?! How could she!?" He stands and walks over to her. She grins and hugs him and messes up his hair, playfully. He takes her hand and they walk over to our table and sit down. Francis winks at us.

"Are they..'together'?" I whisper to Gilbert. He nods.

Heracles glares at me. Feliks smiles and elbows me a little. Gilbert whispers,"What's up with Hercules?'

"Katze. He wanted Katze."

"I'm glad you didn't give him the cat. So is Gilbird," Gilbert smiles at me. I blush and look down. Sometimes I wish I have Heracles Katze. But I'm mostly glad I didn't.

Francis and Michelle are whispering and staring into each other's eyes. It is creeping me out. Antonio is talking about tomatoes and Lovino. Feliks is talking about random stuff, and Heracles is sleeping and waking up every five minutes to glare at me. I mostly eat in silence, glancing up at Gilbert or looking at the rest of the table. Gilbert is glaring at Heracles. It is a very awkward lunch.

Finally, the bell rings and we are off to class number 3. Heracles places a hand on my shoulder, "We need to talk."

I'm a little bit scared, but I know if it is about Katze, I should sort it out with him. "Ok." I look back at Gilbert. He looks kind of reluctant to let me go. I smile and him, and he returns it, half heartedly, and leaves. I feel bad; I feel like he had something important, too.

Heracles gets my attention. "Why didn't you let me have him?"

"I..I just couldn't. There was something about him that...made him special. I don't know what it is, but he is mine now. You can't make me give him to you."

Heracles glares at me for the millionth time that day. "Fine. But there is one more thing."

I take a step back. "What else is there to talk about?"

Heracles smirks at me. It is so unlike him to be like this. "You know what I'm talking about. But maybe you the right. And maybe you aren't. Oh well. Be careful." He walks away laughing. It is kind of a mean laugh. I'm pretty freaked out now. Be careful of what?

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