My Story (a Harry Styles fanfiction)

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"mom, dad. I was wondering if we could PLEASE go to England this year? Please?! no no that sounds too eager." i was trying to find the perfect way to ask my parents. Kendall was helping me chose, she doesnt know about Harry, i didnt want to tell anyone. "well arent you trying to be? Isnt that the only way theyre going to say yes?" Kendall was trying to help but that was basically the only thing she said so

I just ignored her. I thought of the perfect way in my head "mom dad!!! Can we go to England this summer? I wanted to look at colleges there, i know its far from home but ive heard theyre better in education" the only thing my parents ever talk about is where they want me to go to college. The colleges might not be better but its so worth the chance. When Kendall left i asked my parents. "Lauren of course we can! The college you go to shouldnt just be our pick, you should have some say but we have to approve. If you think England has good colleges then we can check them out. How long do you want to stay in England for!" wow. That was so much easier than expected. "Whats the longest we can stay?" i hoped they said at least 2 weeks. "if you want the whole summer except the last week, its up to you, how bad do you want to go to these colleges?" i freaked out in my head. Why were they being so nice? "i REALLY want to go to these colleges. Are you sure we can stay the whole summer? They said yes then booked the plane tickets and hotel rooms. I texted Harry the good news.

"Lauren!!! Thats great! I cant wait for summer :) xx" i saved that text, i thought it was really cute. Waiting for summer was like waiting for rain in a desert. It was only 3 months away but Harry wanted to see me-the opposite of what i always thought it would be. During those 3 months harry called and texted me every second of every minute of every hour everyday. Im exaggerating of course of he did call a LOT. Sometimes it got a little annoying but if he left a message they were always really cute and sweet. But it was finally June. School had just ended and i got to leave an hour early to catch the flight. I didnt sleep the entire 15 hour plane ride because i was just too happy to see him again. But i had thought of something bad on the plane. My parents think im looking at colleges, theyre going to want to look with me, so ill have to find a way to go see Harry. I wasnt sure yet and i couldnt text Harry. When we arrived to London, my dad mom and i all thought it was beautiful. And when we got to our hotel- it was HUGE. My parents are really rich though, so i wasnt super surprised. Walking in to this place was like walking in to heaven. We were offered a lot of food and a tiny glass of champagne. I was allowed to drink it in England so i tried some, it was actually pretty good. But then my phone rung and my moment of heaven stopped, it was Harry, turned out he sent me 27 messages since i got on the plane. Holy crap. I didnt bother to read them all, just the one he just sent me "hey baby! You off the plane yet?" i didnt answer until we got in the hotel room. I had one a few rooms down from my parents but before we went to our rooms my dad saw the first 2 words of Harrys text 'Hey baby!' he was a little mad...

"LAUREN THOMAS. WHO IS THIS BOY?" yeah just a little mad. "its just a boy from school daddy! Hes just kidding around i swear!" ive always wanted to be an actress, so im good at lying. "Alright lauren BUT if i see anything else like that from this boy youre losing your phone privileges for a month. " he sounded stern still, and i knew he wont let this go for a while but when i was in my room i think my mom talked to him about it because for the rest of the vacation he didnt mention it. Harry and I talked on the phone for a few hours but them my mom knocked on the door and she wanted to talk to me. My mom wasnt as strict about boys as my dad-not nearly as strict. So i knew i wasnt in trouble because i didnt do anything else. I let her in. She wanted to talk to me about "the boy". She didnt care when i talked to boys and she let me start dating this year, she talked my dad in to it too. She just didnt want me to be alone with boys. "so whos this 'kid from school'" she said with a smile. "its just John. He really is just a friend from school. Nothing going on i swear." i tried to hold back my smile since i was thinking about Harry. And i wasnt entirely lying, i do have a friend named John from school that i talk to occasionally. "hmm alright okay i believe you" i could tell she thought something was going on between "John" and i which made me want to laugh really hard. But ive become a pro at holding back laughs. When she left i texted Harry and told him id try to see him tomorrow. So the next morning i woke up at 11 am there which is normally 6 am for me. I woke up my mom and asked her if i could explore a little and id text her where i am every hour and a half. Again she wasnt nearly as strict so i expected her to say yes and find a way to tell my dad. I was right.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2012 ⏰

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