How the F*ck?

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I woke up in this gross ass room looking thing with a very weird device on my head that smelled a lot like metal, plastic, and grease. Confused and a little annoyed I look around and notice two other bodies laying passed out next to me with, what I assume, the same devices on them, the room is kind of a small brick room painted white and has a few weird things in it. Like on one side of the room is a glass case made into the wall that has a three syringes in it. Next to that is a metal door with a huge lock on it and on one wall is a monitor with a VHS tape, who uses VHSs anymore? Next to the VHS is a tape that says "play me" on the cover. So obviously I'm gonna play it. As I'm walking over to it one of the other people wake up and groan, I notice that voice as my friend James, he's kinda annoying, really gay, and complains a lot. That's how I know that it's him from the way he groans and whines.. I run over to him and get him a little more awake, he screams and freaks out until I can talk him down to realize that its me, he gets all shakey and asks "what the fuck is going on?!" And before I can answer I hear that other person roll over and go "shhhhh im trying to sleep" that's the moment I notice it's my other friend Lana. James and I go to her and try to explain what's going on when u remember about the VHS, I go over to it and put the tape in the cassette, "who the fuck uses VHS anymore?" Lana says. I reply with "THAT'S WHAT I SAID!" As the VHS begins to play a puppet type thing comes into focus and it seems to be staring right at us. "welcome to your new found hell, I want to play a game with you, as you all know there is a common indifference amongst the three if you, but with the similarities comes many differences. Cameron, you are the exact druggie who tries to make everyone think you're so great and wonderful, Lana, you are always pushing people away because you don't want people to know how you really feel, and James. Well you're just here for fun, and you are friends with these two, which makes you get the worst of it." James tries to protest and say something but the video interrupts him. " I know what you're about to say, 'but why? Why me?' Shut up James literally no one cares." James shuts his mouth quickly and looks kinda upset, Lana and I started laughing. "But anyways, as I was saying, you all three went to a party last night and I'm sure thats all you remember, and that's all I need you to remember, but you all need to know that I have a small game I want you to play, its called 'do or die'" i could tell lana was getting annoyed and that she was starting to get hungry so she said "yo, I get you wanna torture us or something but I'm hell hungry so if we could get some food up in this bitched I would appreciate it" James looks at Lana and says "oh my God when are you not hungry?" Lana says "never!" We all started talking about what food we want and when we were gonna get out if this place when we heard the guy on the tape yell at us "can y'all shut the fuck up so I can explain this shit to you? Damn! Any-fucking-ways basically what you have to do is find a fucking way out, also I did put poison in one of your bodies that will kill you within a few hours but all of the syringes in the glass case have the same antidote in it, if you inject yourself with it and you don't have the disease then it will kill you instantly have fun and choose carefully." Lana calmly walks over to the case and breaks the glass with her elbow, takes one of the syringes and stabs James with it, he cries out in pain and the liquid goes into his body. Nothing happens. "WHAT THE HELL?? THAT HURT REALLY BAD!!!" James yells at Lana. I look at Lana and she shrugs her shoulders and James said, "how did you know I had the disease?" she shrugs her shoulders and goes "I didn't, I just wanted to see what would happen" James looks at me with wide eyes and I just look back and shake my head. We need to find a way out if here.

Annoyed Millennials in the Saw movies Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat