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It was later that evening and we had finished filming, which I was both happy and sad about. I loved filming but I was also tired, Thankfully, we were all going out to a Thai restaurant now so we could eat. I was sitting the closest to the radio and there was an aux cord hanging out of it so I got an idea. Making sure no one was watching, I plugged my phone in and played 'Should I Stay Or Should I Go' by The Clash, catching everyone's attention and making Noah stop laughing, replacing his smile with an annoyed look.

"I've heard this song too many times!" Noah complained, causing us to laugh at him.

"Too bad, I love this song!" I almost shouted at him, the music being quite loud.

"Almost as much as you love him." Millie mumbled in my ear.

"Millie!!!" I shouted at her. "I do not!"

She started laughing, causing me to laugh a little as well. Noah looked at me with a pleading look, probably wanting it to be turned off, though I only smiled at him with a sweet, innocent smile.

"Fine then, I'll do it myself!" Noah said, standing up as tall as he could, though he had to bend his neck a little because the roof was low.

"No!" I shouted, changing the song to L.A. Devotee by Panic! At The Disco.

Satisfied and smug, Noah sat back down and crossed his arms, putting his feet up on the seat across from his. I crossed my arms and pouted but we soon pulled to a stop in front of the restaurant so I had to turn off the music anyways and we went inside.

The restaurant was somewhat fancy, though it wasn't very busy, and by that I mean we were the only ones in there, which we didn't mind, it just meant we could be almost as loud as we wanted. Millie's mom, Kelly, was chaperoning us so we knew we had to behave ourselves, though Kelly was quite chill so we knew she would let us get away with a few things. We sat down in a large booth, Noah and I in the middle then Millie next to me, Finn next to Noah. Then Sadie was next to Millie and Gaten and Caleb were by Finn. Kelly pulled a chair around and sat on the side of the table so we wouldn't have to squish ourselves onto the booths more than we already were.

"Hello, welcome to The Noodle House, could I start you off with drinks?" The waitress asked us.

We ordered our drinks and read over our menus, being too hungry to really engage in a conversation, but almost as if the waitress read our minds, she brought us a few plates of spring rolls.

"On the house." She told us, smiling at us.

She walked away and we all dove in, each one of us getting one spring roll to subdue our hunger. We started small conversation and soon it turned into a giant argument over whether Spongebob is only for kids or for all age groups. The sides were Me, Sadie, Noah, and Caleb who were saying that it was for kids, and then it was Millie, Finn and Gaten who said it was for everyone.

"Majority rules! Spongebob is for kids!" Sadie shouted.

"That's your opinion!" Millie fought back.

"DiNg DoNg YoUr OpInIoN iS wRoNg!!!" I shouted, making Noah and Finn laugh.

"Spongebob is for anyone who has an open mind!" Gaten said in a squeaky voice.

"Or anyone who has an over large supply of crack." Finn said, coughing to try and cover it up.

"Whose side are you on, Finn?" Millie asked, crossing her arms.

Everyone turned to face Finn, serious looks on their faces, almost as if this was an actual important argument. Which it was.

"Um... Loki dying in Avengers was a really tragic event." He said, stretching the 'e' in event.

"Oh my God! It was so sad!!! I want Loki Back!!!" Sadie said, holding her hand over her heart. "Stop changing the subject, Finn. This is important. Whose side are you on?"

Finn started mumbling something, though we couldn't hear him.

"What?" I asked.

"Spongebob is for kids." He said, mumbling, though it was loud enough to hear.

"YAASSS!!!! WE WIN!!" I shouted, then was shushed by Millie's mom.

"Spongebob is for kids, and that's final!" Sadie said, Finn, Sadie, Noah, Caleb and I high fiving while she spoke.

"May I take your order?" The waitress asked.

"(y/n) first!" Millie said, shushing everyone else.

"(f/f) please." I said.

Everyone else ordered and the waitress went to the back to the kitchen to get our food ready. We continued talking for a bit while waiting for our food to come when I thought of something, something that literally everyone talked about on the fandom.

"So, what's the big deal with all the Fillie stuff?" I asked.

"I honestly don't know. They just don't seem to understand that Fillie isn't real and that we're just friends." Millie said.

"Yep." Finn said.

"Why? What about (y/s/n) (Your ship name with Noah.) Is it real?" Millie asked.

"Nope." Noah and I said in sinc.

"Alright, it's settled. No mocking." Millie said, pointing a finger at everyone in a 'I'm in charge' kind of way.

"Oookay." Caleb said jokingly.


Bit of a filler. Okay, not really a bit. It's a filler. I'm running out of ideas DX

If you have any ideas, comment them or dm me! Also, I'm taking a break from updating until the new year! Sorry, but I want to focus on family (And food) so I'll have the chapters ready so when I come back I can just update them!


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