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I'm JiminieShooky, who needs a life. I'm an anime, kpop, and cpop fan.

I'm complete cringe so.....

you're gonna have to deal with me (^・ω・^ )
Good luck with that 👍

I'm still trying to get used to writing a bit.

I'm just telling who my biases and my bias wreakers are. These are groups that have tAlEnT and I stan that. Sometimes I tend to cry because of how beautiful All of these idols are. Their voices, rapping, singing, and dancing is everything.

Hopefully you guys enjoy on what I'm doing for this book. Also, recommend me some more cpop groups or kpop groups that I haven't possibly heard of yet.

Until next time or forever,
-JiminieShooky (☞゚∀゚)☞

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