Episode 12: B-Squad saves the day

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Until Frankie sent an S.O.S to Bella and Brooke saying: Dylan took Aunt Sigourney..and Gemma is in trouble...my system is malfunction..23.5.56y.5.757.33.3e

"Frankie glitching out, we have to go save her and you need to take charge of Dylan even if Eliza has him under a command..", "Fine we will after you tell me who this Eliza chick is.." Bella mentioned an evil twin of Frankie with same operations and looks just slightly darker hair. She nodded but before leaving the house, Bella stopped Brooke and asked if she knew how to fight androids.."Nope..why are you dialing on your phone..", "We need back up and the odds are now gonna be even.." Brooke raised a brow as Bella starts talking on her phone with Ziggy from RPM Rangers. "Be there shortly.." said Ziggy as Bella also contacted Sarah from the other side of town Summercove and asked "Plan PR is in action...is your team in..", "We're on it..make sure Brooke is trained and dressed as spy.." Bella hung up her phone, "We're going shopping and karate class...", "What about your cousin Frankie.." she told her this is more important. After a tiring workout and special training, shopping down they headed to Venjix tower. "Elisabeta hand me those wire cutters and gorilla glue.." she cut the wires from frankie on location and glued it to her gps for family instead. The rangers and them had arrived as Sarah's SugarCookie was there as well, "Trust me, he has known what goes on in that tower.." before Sarah finished Brooke took off her shades and looked at the boy that looked familiar, "Who are your parents Young man..", "Jared Fletcher & Jodie Fletcher Madame.." she knew Jared Fletcher and looked at the boy for a name..."My name is Samuel..my father talks to much about you..and what you had done with him..", "I still regret it today..where did he *** ***..." what is Brooke trying to say and yelling at Sarah's' BF about and whos' this Jared?

Episode 13: B-Squad saves the day Part 2

Episode 13: B-Squad saves the day Part 2

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Sorry for a short one I'm in finals week in school

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Sorry for a short one I'm in finals week in school.

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