Who Is He?

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I walk around the park and see a boy, or should I say a really cute man sitting on the bench with his dog. A cute black dog. When I see him look up and see his eyes strait up at me and not at the dog... Oh crap!


I see this beautiful lady who is starring right at me. When I look up, I see her turn her face away. I laugh and continue playing with my dog, Toothless. My fellow friend has been with me ever since birth. Anyway, once in a while, I see the same pretty girl peep her head to try and see me.


What the hell am I doing? This isn't right, it's spying on a person. He would never like me doing this. But maybe one last peek...


" Umm excuse me, if you don't mind me asking can I know what your name is?" I say. The lady looks so surprised she almost fell over.

"Are you talking to me?" She responds.

"We'll you are the only one here unless I'm talking to my dog which I am certainly not." I say.

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