Chapter 50

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"I'm not sure if I want to do this" I whined as fear gently seized me and drained me of my poise.

I really wasn't sure if I wanted to go through with it. I wasn't ready.

"Come on, you just have to. You can't change your mind now, it's not like it's your first time..."

I arced my brow at Emma as I turned to look at myself in the mirror. I chewed on my button lip nervously as I took another look at myself in the mirror.

I was already dressed in a crop top and an high waited skirt with tiny pleats, then a jean jacket over my crop top just in case I had to shield myself from the cold.

Emma was putting on a skinny Jean and a top with floral pattern which was falling over her shoulder with the strap of her clutch purse hanging across her body.

The only thing that was stopping us was my fears even though Emma was ready to be on the move. She was born ready.

I didn't want to disappoint Kent by not showing up and I didn't want to feel stupid by going to the party either.

Emma had been trying to get into my head for the past one hour after I had gotten dressed, but there was that scary feeling hitting me in the gut and making me have a second thought about going.

I was actually picturing the kind of look they'd have on if I walked in there with Kent but I thought I wouldn't be able to stand it. I panicked and I had to tell Kent that he didn't have to come pick me because I would be going with Emma.

I had let Kent down so many times that he had even given up on asking me to go to parties with him. I had only been to maybe two or three parties with him and after I had noticed how unwelcoming everyone could be around us, I just stopped.

My presence irritated them and it didn't stop some girls from throwing themselves at Kent, I thought they always did that on purpose. Even when I acted like it was nothing, Kent knew I was always hurt and he tried to assure me they could never come between us. Not even Tia.

"Enough of staring at yourself in the mirror, Alex" She placed her hands on my shoulder and turned me around.

"This is your moment girl, have a little bit of fun..."

"Practically, everyone hates to see us together and that really bothers me Emma" I said in low tone. "I hate the way they stare at us, I hate the way they make me feel like I don't deserve him..."

Emma let out a heartfelt sigh as the cocked her head to the side, rolling her eyes at the same time.

"Alex, why do you care about what everyone thinks? Does it really matter what people think when your happiness is all that matters. People don't understand why it has to be you and people tend to feel threatened by what they don't understand. Making you feel undeserving is their way of reacting. But I say leaving them on the edge, guessing, makes it all interesting: they might think you don't deserve him but you deserve to be happy and that's all that matters. If you want to be happy, what people think about you shouldn't be on your plate" She pause and threw her hand on her waist. "Why even think about them when you can just think of that 'hotness" she said, emphasizing on the HOTNESS. Was she saying Kent was hot?

"If I was to have that kind of hotness in my life, I wouldn't waste a single moment. Every single moment is short, precise and precious. Don't waste it! At least not on what people think..." She concluded, leaving me totally short of words.

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