Blood is Thicker Than Water...

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and a sisterly bond is stronger than any friendship found throughout life. We may be forced to live together, but being inseparable was a choice.

Rohma- a name as elegant as the beautiful city in Italy. Her appearance is just as breathtaking and many aspire to be just as prestigious. With a reputation like this, it's no wonder that I find myself asking how we're even related.

Though she may be five years older than me, my sister treats me as her equal and will always take my feelings into consideration no matter what we do. I can't remember a time where she ever put her desires above mine. Siblings fight over the last bite of food but my sister would willingly give it up for me. Of course we would have fights as any other siblings did when we were little, but they were never serious and we grew out of them as we got older. I think that one of the greatest benefits of having an older sister is that she can help me throughout all the issues in my life because she's had the same experiences. Friends, family, and boy troubles, she's been there for it all. When something bad happens to me and I shut down in a panic, she makes me feel safe and reminds me that as long as she's there, I'll be okay.

I've always struggled to keep up with my sister's level of perfection. I fail to be so put together, so unbelievably confident and sure in everything I do. In my eyes, I feel as though I'll never be good enough. I feel like any of my accomplishments will never measure up. But in my sister's eyes, anything I do is an achievement in itself. I could read a book and she would be proud of me for expanding my knowledge. She finds happiness and rewards in the little things. I could feel like the biggest disappointment in the world and she'd still see the good in me.

My life has been very messy, filled with ups and downs that I can't control nor predict. It's never been easy, but my sister has been by my side through all of it and I wish I could've been there for her when she was struggling and growing up alone. My parents will never be able to understand us completely, but we will always know how the other feels. Many things have never worked out for me, and many things never will, but my relationship with my sister is something that I can never even imagine breaking.


Her heart is strong. Her mind is stubborn. She knows exactly what she wants and will do everything in her power to attain it. She's often misunderstood and people see her as intimidating or judgmental when in reality, she watches everyone carefully so she can choose the right people to give her love to. I'm reckless, she's careful. I'm irrational, she's level-headed. I'm lost with my head in the clouds, she's grounded in reality. Complete opposites, yet we flow together like Yin and Yang. What I lack, she possesses.

I may have been the one who went through a tremendous amount of physical pain every time I had to get surgery, but she's the one who had to pull up a great amount of mental strength to watch and take care of her little sister through it all. She'll never admit it, but I know how much it hurts to see someone you love in so much pain when you know there's nothing you can do to fix it.

I was only fifteen years old when my aunt was first diagnosed with cancer. My father told me when I was being dropped off to the bus on my way to high school. The news hit me like a truck, and when I walked to my locker that morning, I burst out crying in front of my friends. I was a mess the entire school day, unsure of what to do or how to handle myself. I've blocked a lot of it out of my memory, but one thing I do remember is how much my mother was frantically worrying about how to cover all of the medical expenses for the cancer treatment. It's ten times more difficult knowing that there's more than just one problem. Just because we're used to living in a crisis all the time doesn't mean it's less difficult than before.

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