7 | The First Rumour

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Body Double

Part 1

" nothing really just a stupid rumour, "

" nothing really just a stupid rumour, "

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Who? and what? Michael was still questioning himself as he stood in the hallway of Riverdale high school. In front of him was a piece of cloth that was an old bulldog shirt. Across it in black was two simple words.

I know.

But he had been at the school for a couple of weeks now and yet there had been no answers to those very important questions.

Brushing his thumb over the black dried in ink as if staring at it would bring those answers forward.

A soft sigh escapes as the boy closed his eyes tightly. The faint throbbing of a headache caused by the unanswered questions was becoming rather unbearable. Footsteps suddenly hit his ears when someone was rapidly approaching him.

Before he could open his eyes to see who was charging towards him he felt a hand grip onto the material that covered his arm.

Luckily before he was dragged away from his locker he managed to throw the shirt back into it. The person who had grabbed a hold of him was Eva. But unlike her usual 'you have to come here with me' she seemed to be more detriment than normal.

His brown eyes widening slightly before he digs his feet into the ground as best he could, it was enough to cause the pair to come to an abrupt stop.

"Hey! what's going on?" he called out in confusion.

Eva whipped her head around while the two stood in the middle of the hallway. When she looked at him her eyes seemed to be darting about the place her mind must be racing "not now come on," she ignored his question.

Again left without any answers to the questions he asks Eva tugs on his arm once more causing a sharp pain in his shoulder.

Giving into her efforts Michael allowed himself to be dragged once more down those hallways much like when Wade dragged him down the hallway.

She led him to the labs which quite a crowd had gathered for some reason. Unable to see over the top of the other students he mutters to Eva "what's going on?"

Before an explanation was given to him Cherly Blossom along with Sheriff Keller and Principal Weatherbee came strutting down the hallway. Michael's eyes locked onto the red head's stoic expression she used to mask the tinkle of sadness that lingered behind her eyes.

"you know I wouldn't be surprised if she did kill him,"

"I know she has always been rather crazy,"

The crowd of students muttered amongst each other sharing suspicious glances towards the redhead. Eva frowned quietly muttering a comment in Cheryl's defence "she couldn't have done it..."

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