Landing in Berkia

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Hiccups POV.
I feel the wheels touch down at the airport and we start to slow down. I take off my headphones and look around. Luckily nobody seemed to give a shit about me, no cameras and no screaming girls. The plane stops and connects with the tunnel to the main airport. I get up from my seat and walk out into the airport. Where I see the always there paparazzi and screaming girls. Man they can just find me everywhere. I go through my usual routine of signing and taking pics with everyone who wanted one. I see one of my security guards walking towards me and motioning me to come with him. He leads me to a cargo plane that looked familiar. " This is plane with my cars on it!!" I was so excited but also lowkey worries that something happened to my cars, I watch the ramp come down and I hear a familiar roar of a v8. I see my 600lt backing off the plane, followed by the Rolls Royce followed by the Audi R8. Overjoyed to see my cars made it. I ask for the keys to the Mclaren, a security guard comes with a silver box and opens it. Showing me my keys. I grab the carbon Mclaren key and run to my car. Before I get in, " you guys can take my luggage to my house. It'll be a while before I get my house completely ready to live in." I tell my guards. They all nod in agreement and load my luggage into a Mercedes sprinter van. " Well" I say looking at a card that had an school address on it. " I have to go to school". I open the upward swinging doors and climb in. Firing up that beautiful v8 and I speed off, leaving rubber marks on the pavement.

Astrid's POV

The Entire school was buzzing about Hayden Haddock coming to their humble little school. But not me, hell no. He won't swoon me with his charm and money. The other girls can have him, see if I care. I check my watch, 7:46 am. I heard he'd be arriving around 8. So do I go and check out the excitement or stay in here? Before I could make a decision, Heather comes and pulls me to the entrance. " Welp, I guess I've decided" I chuckle faintly.
Hiccup POV
I'm speeding down the highway at 150 mph, My Mclaren shooting flames as I downshift and rip into a tunnel. " WOOOOOOOOOOOO" I shout as I fly through the tunnel. My fun was cut short when I hear the Nav say " in 0.2 miles, turn right into hunter ave, then turn left onto Berkia lane." I follow the instructions and pull up to a medium sized school. " Well, shit. Here goes nothing" I pull into the school parking lot.
Astrid POV
I go outside to check on my car and I see a blue sports car pull up into a spot right next to mine. It was a fancy car for sure, maybe a Ferrari or something idek. I bump into Shawn Jorgensen and ask him " hey Shawn, what kind of car is that?" Shawn looks at me and says " that's a Mclaren 600lt" Shawn goes back to his Jeep Srt8 and talks with his friends. I, along with all the other girls, wait in anticipation to see him emerge. I wasn't really fangirling like the rest of them were but I was just curious in what the hell he looked like. I see a tuft of brown/auburn hair emerge followed by him. A tall, muscle bound boy with long auburn hair, freckles and eyes covered by some black aviators. He was wearing a simple white t shirt and black jeans with a pair of converse all stars. His arms were hidden by a leather jacket. He looked like a bad boy for sure. He slings his pack over his shoulder and closes down the door of his Mclaren. He starts walking away with a confident strut. Shawn smirks and runs towards the door of the Mclaren. Before he could open the door, the boy locks the door while still walking away. " AWWWWWW, I almost got it. Look at that thing man, it's beautiful." Shawn almost started to cry. All the girls chase after him to try and talk to him. I'm just walking normally back into the school along with everyone else who didn't care, which was almost nobody.
Hiccup POV. I open the door of the Mclaren to see a scene straight out of 17 again. Everyone tried to act natural, I could tell everyone was buzzing. Almost everyone was buzzing, except for one blonde girl who looked fairly pretty. But she didn't give a flying fuck about what was happening. Clearly she was just there cause somebody brought her here. I was hearing, " oh damn, sick car" from the guys and " OMG HE'S SO DREAMY" from the girls. I closed the door and started walking towards the entrance of the school. I could feel eyes on me as I was walking. I lock the door of the 600 as I kept walking. I hear an AWWWWWWW behind me and I can help but smile a bit. I decided to stop off and change my clothes in something a little bit more understated, just a white T shirt, leather jacket and some black jeans and all stars. I walk into the school with everyone flooding around, saying " What's up Hayden and Hayden will you go out with me" stuff like that. I walk to my assigned locker and start to enter the combo. " 25-36-16" I say under my breath. The locker pops open and I shove my books inside. I take off my jacket, exposing a pair of extremely muscular and toned arms, I hang the jacket up on the hooks and close my locker. The glasses still on. I turn around and a bunch of girls have gathered around me, but not that one blonde I saw in the parking lot. All the girls around me geeking out over my appearance. This part I was about to do was about to make them melt, I think to myself. I take off my sunglasses, exposing my brilliant emerald green eyes. I wink, flash my pure white teeth and walk away smirking. The girls start screaming and one of them faints. I guess I've made a good first impression.

( Sorry for the really long chapters guys. Each one has been over 1,000 words. I get carried away easily hehe. The next few chapters, Hiccup may bump into someone.)

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